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Views for this Topic: 813

8/2/2024 11:17:57 AM
If a spammer invades your thread on the pipeline

10/13/2022 5:18:50 AM
We still have a political forum downstairs

9/24/2022 10:36:18 AM
Is it just me or do you find Popeye unlikeable?

5/7/2021 12:58:18 PM
the political forum is habitable again

7/15/2019 2:48:51 PM
It's Creative Topic Starta Week

1/23/2019 6:28:28 PM
Official Golden Kayak Show Pipeline Thread - stop in,,

6/23/2018 12:46:24 PM
What's with you people?

2/25/2018 8:53:57 AM
Wanted: Topic Starters and Interesting Topics

2/14/2018 2:54:29 PM
rating my favorite foods

1/14/2018 4:24:33 PM
Official Golden Kayak Pipeline Thread~

11/28/2017 11:39:33 PM
What's with all the folks without personal symbols?

11/12/2017 2:16:54 PM
a message from the moderator

10/27/2017 12:17:35 AM
Why do so many of you not have personal symbols?

10/26/2017 7:48:20 AM
Something sinister is going on here.

8/8/2017 1:19:14 PM
Do you listen to indies less than you used to?

6/3/2017 7:37:09 AM
Thread Hijacking

6/1/2017 4:33:11 AM
I find this really stupid.

1/19/2017 9:26:34 PM
Our rule about No Site Issues on the pipeline will be disrespected no more

1/15/2017 12:28:19 PM
Official Golden Kayak Awards Pipeline Party thread

1/9/2017 10:29:38 AM
It's start a new topic week on the pipeline

9/20/2016 2:01:53 AM
cracking down on hateful attacks

6/10/2016 3:58:24 PM
What kinds of indie music promo do you hate?

4/17/2016 11:39:30 AM
punchlines that are kind of funny even without the rest of the joke..

3/7/2016 3:07:42 PM
Time to start fresh with some new threads

2/21/2016 8:03:50 PM
City with Popeye as its mascot seething in corruption

1/17/2016 12:32:40 PM
Official Golden Kayak Awards Pipeline Party thread

1/1/2016 7:27:28 AM
I was bouncer at a New Year's Eve party last night

12/1/2015 7:27:15 PM
moderator policy on political threads

11/2/2015 12:22:00 PM
Would you rather be loved or respected?

10/14/2015 9:14:40 PM
Ever notice chinese food is a ripoff?

9/20/2015 9:26:31 PM
Follow the site on Twitter

9/12/2015 11:13:44 AM
I was named pipeline moderator


Basic (free) Member



11/12/2017 2:16:54 PM

a message from the moderator
Hey, I wanted to remind you all of this. This pipeline can be used for creative posts, personal stories, pretty much anything, try it. Seems the only time folks get involved is when somebody slips in something where folks can go off on site issues which aren't really supposed to be discussed.

Let's see some creative posts now and then, something with some expression. Fly on the Wall, where are you? Tumbeelin' Tumbleweed. Step up.

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Bryon Tosoff

11/12/2017 2:42:35 PM


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11/12/2017 2:45:06 PM

Sorry Bluto, I guess our basic instinct is to moan and you're quite right, let's all get more Bloggy xx

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Bryon Tosoff

11/12/2017 2:47:59 PM

i moan when good things are going on

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Bryon Tosoff

11/12/2017 2:51:02 PM

Bluto should stay out of here, stop being a control freak, control control control

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11/12/2017 2:53:13 PM

Yeah, Bluto, anyway, expecting a bunch of artists to be creative, how dare you.

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Bryon Tosoff

11/12/2017 2:55:33 PM

busy making songs, what do you think we are f--king authors writing books, and you want to find out about us, go to our music pages then Big B

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