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9/6/2013 7:26:41 AM
Ways to chill - alone or in company?


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9/6/2013 7:26:41 AM

Ways to chill - alone or in company?
There are so many ways to chill out with music - you can listen to something familiar and comforting, it doesn't have to be slow or relaxing or you can play something slow and ambient, maybe hypnotic or spiritually uplifting.
We (sandpainters and Sisters of composure) are friends with similar tastes but we all prefer to listen alone for complete relaxation - do you agree or do you think it's possible to totally relax with someone sharing your special music?

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Shoe City Sound

9/6/2013 9:55:22 AM

For me other people are always a distraction - even if it's in a good way ie someone you are really close to and enjoy being with. So I'd rather it be just me and the sound if I'm to totally relax. Otherwise the music becomes part of the ambience and has a different effect.

Interesting question ... :)

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Chandra Moon

9/6/2013 3:41:03 PM

If it's seriously chilled music it has to be on my own - eyes shut - float away - enjoy the moment undistracted by anyone or anything......

Having said that I have sometimes just listened and enjoyed with other people - but really - it's as if they're not there at all if the music is totally absorbing. I love ambient music on my own. No question.

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Steve Ison

9/6/2013 11:54:18 PM

Generally always listen/appreciate music by myself..
Sometimes if i'm round a friends and they play something they think's great it'll get my full attention -but like Dolores said -if i'm listening to music in company its generally ambient/background..

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9/7/2013 2:42:14 PM

I do most of my listening alone and usually it is my own music as I like to pick and peck at whatever flaws I discover after the 100th listen. Kind of obsessive but it is what I do quite a bit. I only listen to other folks music when I am reviewing music here and when I am in the car driving my wife around. We have our favorite CD's and play them over and over again. The car is my listening station.

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