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the pity whores
Views for this Topic: 1239

3/26/2010 1:53:52 AM
Fun For a Friday

2/23/2010 1:14:10 PM
Girls Don’t Like Me - more new songs up – Your comments and reviews are most welcome!

2/10/2010 12:37:06 PM
New Album ~ New Songs

6/23/2009 2:16:57 PM
Video: The Pity Whores on the Jerry Springer Show

5/15/2009 2:00:52 PM
The Pity Whores in the Boston Globe

5/12/2009 5:01:54 PM
The Pity Whores – IAC Artists on National TV May 20

5/5/2009 1:18:29 PM

4/12/2009 5:59:57 AM
Our Big Break Maybe - Help Get IAC's Pity Whores onto the Jerry Springer Show!!!!!


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the pity whores

2/10/2010 12:37:06 PM ---- Updated 2/10/2010 6:34:19 PM

New Album ~ New Songs
Well, The Pity Whores’ new album "Quarter Life Crisis" is completed and released and new songs from it have been posted here for anyone who wants to check ‘em out.

We hope you like the songs, the band really wrote some great songs for the album. I think the whole album is a real good listen, about the same length as an album used to be back when albums were something you enjoyed as their own complete entity. So far, that’s been the consensus with this CD, which is very encouraging.

The band has been working hard, gigging in New England and New York while I was finishing the mixing and getting it ready for release. CD sales at gigs have been brisk and the email requests for CDs have been quite numerous, although that whole process has been really clunky to deal with. Now having the CD up on CD Baby should make things a whole lot simpler and more convenient for everyone. I know some people love them and some people grumble about ‘em, but the CD Baby thing is a good setup for a working, gigging band, for this band anyway.

I hope to get a couple more songs posted later today or tomorrow and when I do I’ll give you a heads up here.

Anyway, we’ve enjoyed and appreciate all the support that all the great folks at IAC have given the band. Thanks and we hope you like the new material!


Listen to the Pity Whores’ New Songs at IAC

The Pity Whores at CD Baby

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