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8/2/2008 8:49:23 AM
Fuel needed for epiphany Fire I know support exists for us if helped to find it's way
Does anyone know if there exists a
1. Artist Think Tank production Company?
2. A private investor or angel group that will fund productions or projects that will have a large impact & draw large attention to the importance all art is to have on Humanity, Evolution and the present State of the World.
3. Chance to place together an enormous group of intelligent, compassionate, extremely diverse, aggressive, absolute in full commitment, responsible and concerned minds to work together on a fully organized and calculated plan creating a self-reliant entity to gather massive attention and force a worldwide return of humanity through Art.
ART is the only thing I can be sure of that demands a person to function thru his/her soul
Satro & PopiKoK
The Man With No Band
8/2/2008 9:08:06 AM
ART is the only thing I can be sure of that demands a person to function thru his/her soul....
Good line but I think you have this backwards ...
SOUL is the only thing I can be sure of that demands a person to function thru his/her Art ...
Art demands nothing ... Art just is ....
8/2/2008 10:16:11 AM
Money fixes murder. Massive blind hatred. Blatant corruption. A loss of the controlling power by the people. A numbing distance from our human senses and instincts that guide our lives into meaning. And the complete lack of support and importance of true art.
As the IAC has done to bring together so much great music and talented artists and created massive interaction where very little existed I think art as a whole has a place in bringing the human race back to humanity. But the importance and support must be put back into place.
Art Factory
8/2/2008 12:59:04 PM
potential: gestalt therapy
I say, I say it's not... theRAPeY... or theRAPeee but therapy... IAC therapy that is.
As you said Popikok, it's up to us what we do with it.
8/2/2008 5:47:25 PM
or imagine a sort of ----------"Rupert Murdoch of the Arts"
a benefactor ,obviously weilding a healing sword to release the creative ,-------------------- not for their own gain------------------- but to stimulate the healing power of creating--------- to make the whole world a better and more tolerant place----
sort of like the opposite to what is happening at the moment!!!
8/2/2008 10:20:04 PM
Smooth Silverwood.......... That's what I'm talking about. I am sure and absolute about
our future. Because we can create this now in the present.
Conversation Suicide
8/2/2008 11:29:43 PM
yeah... but the unfortunate reality -- is to get such a multi-art encompassing project going, we need somebody with loads of CASH & lots o' vision. Ya know?
-so for now, just keep expanding your own sphere of influence, and assisting others along the way
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