Bryon Tosoff
11/29/2017 5:20:43 PM
not hard at all. gotta watch how you say that.but if a person choses to be in the entertainment industry, or politics or going to be in the public eye then you know you are under a microscope and you better watch your step, nothing to do with sex police. it is all to do with values, respect and responsibility.
if there is even a hint of crossing the line or having inappropriate behavior in ones workplace then whether man or woman, you better be careful in your actions.
How the mighty are falling. "timber" and its about time. these men ,specifically men who are in the public eye have used their positions of power improperly and now they are suffering the consequences, . And the current media and networks are cutting loose these dudes is the appropriate action, and as well networks fear for their ratings, mostly protecting themselves, but they could as well suffer....Guys sometimes are dipsticks. now next, those scumbags in politics, and there are many
Bryon Tosoff
11/29/2017 5:23:33 PM
now speaking to FALSE ACCUSATIONS. well then that happens and once done difficult to mend. prepare for much more of those who are taking action to those who crossed the line, and those who are being falsely accused, its life, and the risk in this life.