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3/19/2016 12:59:59 AM
It was getting lonely

9/6/2015 11:48:28 AM
Challenging the status quo

5/25/2015 6:56:19 PM
anyone wanna talk politics? religion?


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Engine Room

5/25/2015 6:56:19 PM

anyone wanna talk politics? religion?
I mean, couldn't the pipeline use some good old fashioned watercooler trash talk?

J/K - it's been a long time (2010, I think) I will try to behave. :)
-Fred (aka NoahSpaceship)

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Holo Lukaloa

5/25/2015 7:04:21 PM

I've been waiting for someone to ask that. :)

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Engine Room

5/25/2015 7:21:34 PM

I aim to please, haha

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Chris Hance

5/26/2015 3:56:04 AM ---- Updated 5/26/2015 3:58:25 AM

What is your opinion on the proposed UK EU in/out referendum.

I personally think that Britain leaving the EU would be a backward step both socially and economically and I will probably vote against leaving.

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Bryon Tosoff

5/26/2015 7:06:18 AM

the EU blows Chris, there is nothing left to it. falling apart at the seams. GB never tied themselves into it really because they never went the way of the Euro. the EU is shit

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Chris Hance

5/26/2015 7:21:05 AM

Aww, Bry :)
I'm the first to admit it's not perfect, but I feel that the sum of parts can be greater than the whole if the individual member states work at it collectively rather than the old "our country is better than your's" mentality which the UK right wing authoritarian regime seeks to put forward,
The proposed abolition of the "human rights act", and the "UK snoopers charter act" are just two stark examples of why I feel more European than "briddish",

People need to work together to a common goal, not rip apart. look forward, not back.

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Bryon Tosoff

5/26/2015 7:42:00 AM

Chris While the concept was originally good the the idea worth it on paper, and the intent totally hopeful. and it succeeded for many years, but be realistic, it is like mixing oil and water with the countries involved. There are few real winners involved in the organization, Germany is driving the thing. does that bode well no, it is essentially holding it all together. look at Greece, what a disaster, Spain, Italy, the whole bunch are welfare states, its a mess. promises of an easy life, early retirement, lack of production in the industrial end of things. what a disaster. its not the EU it once was. crumbling and wont last 5 years. The only thing that might bring it together is fighting off the Russian Bear or the Chinese as Putin employs the same strategy the man of steel did. Stalin, he was ruthless, and it was he who manipulated and had his people who represented him ensnare many countries through subterfuge and deceptive means to take down surrounding areas and gobble them up, yes the old USSR fell not long ago, but it is coming at you again, and China, well economically they have been taking over a lot of companies and declared war in the way of financially infiltrating the economies of Canada the USA and others. The EU, they may survive. but look at the whole picture in Europe, pretty sad, like I said, its shit

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Chris Hance

5/26/2015 8:19:07 AM

Germany might be the biggest economy, and Greece one of the poorest. It's the way things are and only by working together are stable solutions able to be found.
One might say that the current economic problems roots are based around the sub prime crash of 2008, which started in the US and was exported to the rest of the world including Europe, Spain, Italy, Greece, by the banks(real enemies)
China is a bigger threat to the US than the EU, and if they were to bankrupt either, by calling in the debt then who would be able to buy their goods?, thus rendering them bankrupt also.
Russia relies on the EU as a main market for it's oil and gas exports without which it would also suffer economically. It needs the EU too.

I agree that Putin's mental state is a greater threat to peace and stability than the economic factors/woes of the EU.

The abolition of the human rights act is an abhorrent move by anti european right wing extremists.
The EU isn't the problem, but it can be the solution.

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Holo Lukaloa

5/27/2015 12:27:15 PM

I'd like to bring up a subject. Have any of you watched Fox News lately? They are pushing using American ground troops 24/7 like they have absolutely no memory. It pisses me off and it should piss you off too.

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Shoe City Sound

5/27/2015 7:01:33 PM

Fox News is a total propaganda machine bought and paid for by some of the most reprehensible right wing types. They should really be sued for using the word "News" at all.

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5/27/2015 10:28:03 PM

Very true. Fox news is not news. It is a political machine with such a strong bias towards the far Right that it should be renamed the Tea Party News. There was a time when American media networks at least tried to look like they were neutral politically. But Fox doesn't even try to do that. They automatically slant their reports towards the conservative perspective.

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5/29/2015 8:46:40 PM

Some good topics here---but I have a question for the American peeps

Why do you think the police in your country are getting all armed up with military equipment from the Army, rocket launchers and tanks etc ?

Do you think the powers that be are worried about the ordinary folks turning against neo liberal policies and taking to the streets?

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Holo Lukaloa

5/29/2015 9:46:46 PM

No, actually I think that which you're referring to is overblown. There's a bigger problem with individual officers who are armed with simple police guns killing unarmed civilians.

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Shoe City Sound

5/31/2015 9:59:47 AM

I agree. Actually I think I read about President Obama stopping the arming of police with military style weapons. (maybe not accurate, I was just skimming headlines one day) But I also agree that the news coverage of the mightily armed police forces nation wide is to just do the usual here in the USA - build an atmosphere of fear. It's starting not to work, by the way. Lots of people are hungry for the truth these days.

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