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3/19/2016 12:59:59 AM
It was getting lonely

9/6/2015 11:48:28 AM
Challenging the status quo

5/25/2015 6:56:19 PM
anyone wanna talk politics? religion?


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Engine Room

9/6/2015 11:48:28 AM ---- Updated 9/6/2015 12:03:33 PM

Challenging the status quo
What does it mean to you to be a free thinker?
Does it mean you question authority, look fear in the eye and slap it right in the face?
Taking risks without a safety net?
When you look in the mirror what do you see?

It is said that a moral person isn't necessarily someone who does 'the right thing' by others' standards, but making tough choices and doing the right thing according to their own set of standards.

In other words, we set our own bar.

But, how do we gauge where to set this bar?

As an artist, do you follow the path laid out before you?

...or do you wander away from the beaten path?

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9/6/2015 12:17:10 PM

I try to please the muse.

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9/6/2015 12:23:46 PM

Everyone is free to 'THINK' what they like aren't they - in fact it's hard to do anything else. No-one has perfected the skill of reading your mind yet so that will always be a free and private place.

Unfortunately what you hold in your head has little to do with the way you behave and the freedom you are allowed. You can't change your reflection but you can stop looking at it. The mind can go to a warm beach, the mind's eye can recall beauty and love long after the body becomes inhibited either through disability or restriction.

Of course I question authority, authority is just other people making decisions which they say are on my behalf but I know mostly these folks own interests usually come first.

I question everyone that isn't me! Cynicism and lack of trust is inevitable as you age, just like gray hair and wrinkles.

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Noah Spaceship

9/6/2015 2:32:47 PM

Reading minds? Probably not.
..but mass psychology and the art of Influencing specific personality types for propagandizing would imply those who are vulnerable have less freedom of thought.

For example:
Water cooler mentality and listening to your dumbest friend seems to lodge people's lobes as frozen as an old know it all.

I think the level of freedom of thought one experiences stems from ones ability to cope with fear and confrontation.

We are all free to think what we want, but challenging the status quo seems to really be more about challenging your own inhibitions based on your own perceptions and then taking action accordingly.

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9/8/2015 3:58:35 PM

"I question everyone that isn't me!"

How could you not?

Still, picture this. You are an experiment. We just want to see how you react, even to totally nonsensical suggestions. If you react wrongly, we will terminate the experiment. This is a message from your superiors.


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Noah Spaceship

9/8/2015 6:47:44 PM


The big guns have us in their crosshairs.

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