10/5/2015 6:58:43 PM
So many who are super intelligent get it wrong and so many that are marginally intelligent get it right. Intelligence should not be a prerequisite for voting rights. That would create an even bigger void for the have's and have not's. Those who are academics also get it wrong. That is why there are academics on both sides of the issues. But I agree that being informed about the issues at hand is important. Decisions should be made according to that information. But the reality is that the right to vote is and always should be unconditional with only a few exceptions like citizenship and criminal convictions. The center point for democracy is that we all should have a voice whether we are PHD's or middle school drop outs. I did not put my life on the line in a war just for a bunch of smart asses. I put it on the line for my nation. The entire nation! Black, White, Smart, dumb or whatever. But even in the case of criminal convictions, once a person has served their time and paid their debt to society, I believe they should regain their rights to vote. By the way, some of the most intelligent people I have met were prisoners (I am a retired prison chaplain). They have plenty of time to study and earn multiple degrees. But, I'll be damned if I would ever stand for a bunch of so called academic elitists making the decisions for all the rest of us. In order for democracy to work, it must be all inclusive. Otherwise, it is not democracy. If you want to make sure that people are informed, you can become an election volunteer for the issues you perceive to be best for our nation. You would be surprised at the difference that one person can make. Besides, almost all intelligence tests have been proven to be flawed due cultural bias and exposure. The only test I think people should take in order to vote is a test of citizenship. It is their right to be dumb or uninformed and neither I nor you have the right to take away their voting voice as citizens. Too many people spilled their blood for that right. No conditions, just let people vote their consciences. Their is no right or wrong vote, there is only the right to vote.
10/9/2015 8:43:45 AM
To respond more seriously this Time....
Voting Rights Should Exist, Across The Board,
And this business of some people having access and some not,
has to be met and dealt with succinctly.
Anyone effected by the world in which we live should have a say in it.
Now if you'll excuse me, I'm contemplating growing a beard,
just to further confuse everyone.
You're an odd planet, really you are.
Some of your biggest epiphanies come out of absolute confusion.
Not sure why.
She came from Planet Claire, and that's all the Time I have today, I'm afraid.