11/22/2015 3:52:26 AM
Seriously. You DON'T ever watch television?
That fucker is EVERYWHERE. I mean, everywhere out in real world land too...
not just on television.
But definitely in that goddamned Cialis commercial...
Why pause to take a pill when you can GO FUCK YOURSELF??
That's to the announcer, I don't like him, he date's the Devil's Wife.
What, you don't think the Devil cheats on his wife?
Does it right in front of her, while offering lame excuses...
"I'm just practicing being a chiropractor, Dear"
Meanwhile she's on the couch diddling herself to a soap opera.
Of all things. A bloody soap opera.
And now a word from our Sponsor.
There's stuff about it in the BIBLE,
it wasn't all rewritten by corrupt kings with fucked up agendas of the day.
Some of it couldn't be 'cause they didn't know WHAT the fuck it meant.
The Mark Of The Beast.
Anyone know what that is?
It's written. How many Scholars do we Have Here?
That's what I wanna know.
Yeah we'll I'm ONE of the Teachers, obviously.
There's a few.
Okay, Weigh In, Troops.
Mark Of The Beast.
What is it. When's it coming?
I'm not just going to hand you all the answers, Folks.
That is absolutely no fun for me if I have to do that.
Apply the brain a bit.
I'll let this post sit here a month before I say another word on this.
Note date please... November 22, 1938.
Right. Oh. Yeah. 2015. As If.
11/22/2015 8:13:03 AM
John: I wanna just tell 'em.
George: Don't. Let's see if they guess it.
John: But we already know don't we?
George: We already know a lot of things, helps that we're dead.
John: Do you intentionally get set in the morning to take all my fun away
or does it just naturally occur?
George: You mean like a fart or something?
John: Never Mind.
George: Okay everyone, we'll give you a clue... the bloody thing's already here,
in front of us, pretty much can't get through a day without seeing one if you ever go outside 'cause you need something.
John: Oh sure, I can't say it, and you can.
George: I'm pals with God, John, blow me.
11/23/2015 6:36:35 AM
---- Updated 11/23/2015 6:40:11 AM
John: Nutcase? I don't think I'm a nutcase, are you a nutcase George?
George: Never. Are you a nutcase Lesley?
Lesley: No comment.
But okay,
I can see the very subject is not only an uncomfortable one
but also one nearly no one has considered.
So, to hell with waiting till a month from now and screwing up Christmas
with this information.
I'll say it now, get it out of the way,
and we can all hopefully forget it by Thanksgiving.
There's the good news, and the bad news...
and Spiro Agnew, but we won't talk about him now.
Actually, come to think of it, there's the bad news,
and the worse news, though I'm not sure which.
The Good News is that God has promised to Deliver His Lambs.
That's basically we the goodhearted caught in the middle of this melee.
The bad news, is ISIS is recruiting members at a faster rate than ever,
and with this sales pitch no less: 'the end of the world is coming,
join us and help bring it all the faster'.... and it's working. Good Lord.
It's actually getting them members hand over fist. That's pretty nutcase
if you ask me.
The worse news, is this thing I mentioned.
The Mark Of The Beast.
George nearly gave it away, and still no one said 'OH! That!'
Okay, what's written about the Mark of the Beast,
is that this mark gets inscribed by a certain point in time,
on all of us, supposedly on our wrist or our forehead...
Well we figured out what the bloody mark actually is.
It's a Barcode.
Yeah, that's the awful picture,
that at a certain point, the Anti-Christ,
who is currently doing pretty well in the polls with all the hellbent
of the nation,
do I really have to name the puffy haired bastard?
Well I won't. I will not say Donald Trump and dammit you can't make me.
Well you know, it's 'good management'...
Slap a Barcode on all of our wrists, except for the Muslims,
who'll have to have it on their forehead for quick identification.
Oh Goodness, Lord Save Us, In A Big Fat Hurry, PLEASE.
Well, you know Folks,
let's Hope To God I'm Wrong.
'Cause that is not only some nutcase shit,
it's pretty fucked up too.
So there it is.
The Mark Of The Beast.
It's a friggin' Barcode, tattooed on all our wrists.
And on all Muslim's foreheads....
If a certain managerial thinker has his way, yeah.
Which is why, I endorse, oh, Hillary Clinton,
or Bernie Sanders, or what's his name Martin O'Malley,
or friggin' Deputy Dawg if he's a Democrat.
One can hope. Even if one's called a nutcase.
I suppose it is saner to not even think about shit like this,
and go "WHA?" when and if it happens.
Because really, what the fuck can we do about it either way?
If it doesn't happen, great. If it does, oh fuck, there goes the picnic.
11/23/2015 6:43:39 AM
Happy Thanksgiving Everybody!
"Well, I woke up this morning and I got myself a beer...
Yeah I woke up this morning and I got myself a beer...
The Future's Uncertain and the end is always near...
Let it roll, Baby, roll,
Let it roll, Baby, roll,
Let it roll, Baby, roll... Let it roll... all night long." ~Jim Morrison