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Captain Confusion
Views for this Topic: 997

2/5/2024 1:07:37 PM
I can't find Taylor Swift's page on IMP.

11/5/2023 7:27:34 AM
I heard this cool new band called the Beatles.

9/10/2023 1:07:48 PM
Why do there have to be 2 kinds of football?

8/21/2021 2:43:13 PM
Sorry I haven't been posting often these days.

4/12/2020 10:28:12 AM
Are we supposed to wear masks when we're by ourselves?

9/30/2019 3:22:43 PM
I just wrote my first song on this keyboard

5/28/2019 11:33:03 AM
Memorial Day or Veterans Day

11/15/2018 9:57:46 AM
my life..

11/1/2018 7:07:38 PM
A Day Celebrating the Turkey

10/19/2018 8:51:33 AM
What are you doing for Halloween?

9/11/2018 1:11:00 PM
Hurricanes confuse me

7/30/2018 9:11:47 AM
Is it still July?

6/17/2018 11:51:22 AM
Am I popular?

6/6/2018 5:32:43 PM
Can one of you music people explain something for me?

4/19/2018 4:05:03 AM
With all due respect,

2/22/2018 11:49:42 AM
changing the gender of band names

1/15/2018 6:20:40 PM
Happy Presidents Day!

12/14/2017 8:03:59 AM
I don't get the new rules

10/12/2017 4:03:50 PM
I thought America has 50 states, what gives?

7/7/2017 1:36:21 PM
Happy Birthday Ringo!

6/17/2017 10:14:26 PM
I was just elected president of the Lions' Club.

6/13/2017 5:19:44 AM
I'm riding a wave of popularity

6/6/2017 6:55:57 AM
I've been retired as pipeline sod.

4/25/2017 10:08:55 AM
I've been in office almost 100 days

3/19/2017 3:33:30 PM
Is this the day we turn the clocks back?

2/27/2017 11:18:14 PM
I don't understand the news anymore.

2/5/2017 1:35:09 PM
Is the World Series on tonight?

1/27/2017 10:53:44 AM
So how does this trade work?

10/31/2016 6:01:15 PM
Somebody hacked my emails

8/29/2016 6:58:30 PM
I heard Trump isn't going to toss out all the Mexicans anymore

8/5/2016 11:32:40 AM
Is the summer equinox coming soon?

7/8/2016 12:00:16 AM
Black lives do matter.

6/1/2016 6:38:39 AM
There's so many new artists it's making me dizzy.

5/21/2016 1:58:07 AM
They just offered me 99 million to play James Bond.

4/17/2016 7:50:28 PM
What cartoon character is the most like you?

4/7/2016 4:13:55 PM
If you want clarity, listen to my station and your head will rattle off.

3/18/2016 5:48:17 PM
I just don't get it. There's something wrong with this picture.

3/6/2016 9:14:05 PM
Do we turn the clocks back tonight?

2/15/2016 8:43:07 PM
I went viral today.

1/26/2016 1:27:41 PM
I want to know

1/16/2016 11:45:50 PM
giant crickets living in our garage

1/13/2016 8:31:50 PM
I think I won the Powerball.

12/22/2015 8:37:11 AM
What to do? My baby mama is denyin' our baby.

12/11/2015 7:12:54 AM
I'm out of the loop.

11/12/2015 1:37:29 PM
Is a hotdog a sandwich?

11/1/2015 1:47:19 PM
Is this TMZ?

10/22/2015 1:19:20 PM
Which way did they go?

10/14/2015 11:48:00 AM
Is this the way to the Holland Tunnel?


Basic (free) Member


Captain Confusion

6/1/2016 6:38:39 AM

There's so many new artists it's making me dizzy.

Is IMP a household name yet?

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6/2/2016 10:36:01 AM

Only in Bluto's house.

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