tumbeelin tumbleweed
11/22/2015 2:20:41 AM
the world is but one time of day, everything happens simultaneously - it only seems like there's a sequence of events depending on how magnanimous you are, and you, Grodd, certainly cover that ground, perhaps.
11/22/2015 3:42:24 AM
Grodd! My friend!
Lesley Grodd's Friend. Grodd Lesley's Friend.
I too know the loneliness of being a two ton gorilla up in the middle of night-night,
when all who can sleep do sleep and then I'm up and don't even know why.
Well Grodd, I have some Good News My Friend! Yes. Me do!
Me and my dead friends who are only sleeping at the moment,
because they're more normal than me---can ya believe it?----
have already begun working on the Grodd Song!
Yes we have. And we will probably take many days to do it.
That's new for me, actually, Grodd.
Me used to bang out record in day. BOOM. Record. Ta-DA!
And stand back like a proud two ton gorilla and say,
And as you know, world just goes 'EEK!'
so then you pound your fist on ground and make world TREMBLE.
That'll show the stupid goddamned fucking world. Take that. POUND!
Not so sleepy now ARE YA WORLD?
See? Lesley know, Grodd. Lesley know.
Oh Man, do I ever.
Holy Canoli.
Well, as Tumbleweed so succinctly pointed out,
it is always, Now O'Clock, no matter where or when you are,
which is why I like to watch old movies,
and tell the actors their fly is open, you know, and make 'em check.
"LOOK! He did it! I just spoke through TIME!"
Me Proud Me Can Do That.
Me Magic.
And Big and Strong like You, Grodd. We friends.
Nuff said.
Rest well, my friend.
Soon you shall have your very own song. I promise you, it's coming.
You hear its foot stomp as it approaches.... POUND POUND POUND....