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10/22/2008 6:47:25 PM
Song Mastering

4/13/2008 10:43:29 PM
Life begins at conception?

2/13/2008 3:03:10 PM
Freedom of Expression and religion......

5/21/2007 2:17:06 AM
Gender Equality Developments Unfair to Young Student's

4/26/2007 6:55:05 PM
Those who created Iraq Mess ignore its millions of refugees

4/20/2007 2:21:34 AM
Virginia Tech Shootings, my condolences to the bereaved,

3/8/2007 7:23:37 PM
concerning Obama presidency....

1/14/2007 9:41:02 PM
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12/30/2006 2:30:52 PM
Saddam excecuted, we should have a 3 day mourning

12/18/2006 9:04:47 PM
Society and "ITS" way (rules)


IAC Prime Member



12/18/2006 9:04:47 PM

Society and "ITS" way (rules)
Well, I just need someone to present me with a concerete, convincing argument, that the society is right to force its ideologies on its individuals. I believe that as long as one expresses himself/herself without offending anybody, or without undermining the universal morality, one is entitled to respect. But, if one goes against what everyone is used to, the motha***** stop respecting him/her, and even threaten to throw one out of the society. This is real bull****, why should people, reasonable people, just follow other people blindly? Just do what other people do blindly? Why don't people question things?
Well, someone please help me.......................................

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12/19/2006 2:40:47 AM

it's hard to comment when you're talking vaguely. Why not discuss specifically your issue. Who's being thrown out of society?

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12/19/2006 10:13:45 AM

Well, take for example, I went to this house with friends to have dinner. I was dressed up casually, had my dread locks on, and had a baggy jeans, and I just chilled. Well, I experiences the "usual stranger" feel, but I was okay with it. But one of my friends commented that I was taking a phD in a good field, suddenly, everyone started smiling at me, and even someone commented, "outward appearance doesn't matter". I wonder whether my taking phD opened up their eyes to their prejudice? I have felt this "unwelcome feel" at many circumstances only because I don't dress up in formal attire, which I don't like of course. But I would rather the society respects everyone just because of who someone is, not because of what he has on, or what he has achieved. I respect homeless people, I respect everyone, but I get pissed off when some people despise me because of what I have on, but they start to respect me when they hear of my 'achievements'. This really sux...............................
So, here is the exact situation...............

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12/19/2006 5:08:04 PM

Interesting topic / fear of strangers, primitive group behaviour / dressing to'"fit in" to a certain style / humans behave in predictable ways but that doesn't excuse them!

My 14 year old has recently started dressing EMO, in a small country town like ours he's finding out how people act on assumptions first:; he must be anorexic, cutting himself, anti-social, etc .
This is a kid who was near top of the class at school in his last exams, is into art and drama, and is very articulate.However he now gets threatened and yelled at by the sporty jocks and the establishment kids!

I blame people like president Bush ,who make their career from dividing, and attacking what they don't understand, but human nature is assisting with it's "fear of the unknown".
Be yourself first, try to bring humour to the situation where possible, remember it's their fear not yours!

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12/25/2006 10:49:34 AM

a lot of factors make for first impressions. Sometimes it can be insulting or hurtful when you find out people's opinion of you. But the only opinions that matter come from those who you've really let get to know you.

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12/28/2006 2:10:13 PM

Thanks y'all for the feedback. I also come to realize that the only opinion that matters is my opinion of myself cuz one can't control other people's opinions. But still, what sucks is that a person's success depends on how he interacts with the society, and thus he is supposed to agree with its prejudices and "set out rules" in order to get acceptability and success thereafter. But better ways are always discovered by people who think outside the norm. Like, the person who proposed that the world is round, not flat, was persecuted by the SOCIETY, the person who proposed that the earth revolves around the sun was also persecuted. So, yeah, the society really sux, but I don't know....................................

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12/28/2006 2:11:33 PM

Moreover, the departure from the norm is what eliminated racial prejudice, gender prejudice, etc...........................

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Dr Terribol

1/9/2007 1:51:18 PM

Hello Sohnn,

I'm Terry, pleased to meet you.
I get a lot of your points, agree with many too.
Don't agree with solutions through violence, no matter whose name it is in.

People have a lot of fear.
Much of it has even become sort of instinctive, to not be successful means somewhere, deeply, to them, more than failure, it means starvation, even in America, or Britain, same as it does in Africa.

Like why men in many poorer countries prefer large women, because the larger part is a sign of success and prosperity. It even goes that far. Whereas the western man likes even the anorexic type as is seen in the sick society that is real where girls alrady become ill through all of the pressure on them to conform to an image of what woman is and what beautiful is.

It is weird how the physical is all mixed up with the spiritual. But on the surface, things seem really different, seem to mean something else, like you not being accepted, being judged by your hair and clothes, but, don't forget this, isn't a black/white issue, white folk do that to themselves and black people do the same, they all do it to each other, black to white, white to black, black to black, white to white, those who believe entirely in the materialistic way.

All of these mental health issues you've raised have to do with the mix up of adjusting to being a physical-being after birth, most don't ever adjust healthily, they only come as far as to learn how to see themselves as being purely physical, and it is all fear based, it is the same reason why the world is constantly at war, fear helpes the oppressors to hold the oppressed down.

This is the reason people seek solace in religion because they don't know so need something that says that it does know, whilst all the time, God might be inside a person, when a person learns truly how to love in an unbiased way, without using any of the tools of hate.
But I'm guessing!
Dr T

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1/16/2007 4:57:29 PM

Dr T.
These are quite good insights. Are you by the way a Dr...like you have a phD in Psychology or something in that field? Because I think this comment is good.................thx

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