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King Shark!
Views for this Topic: 717

1/27/2017 11:07:53 AM
Sure you wake up when you see my teeth comin' at your neck

2/24/2016 1:04:17 PM
I heard Grodd comes around here.


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King Shark!

2/24/2016 1:04:17 PM

I heard Grodd comes around here.

He and I have a date with his ultimate beatdown.

Come out, little beasty.

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Bryon Tosoff

2/24/2016 1:17:11 PM

Grodd, is it a breakfast cereal? never heard of it. I prefer Oatmeal myself good luck though finding what you are looking for, basically this site is music orientated , so you might have been misdirected or distracted, I think you are in the wrong place, if lost send a note to admin for directions back to your intended destination

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King Shark!

2/24/2016 1:21:37 PM

Stay out of my way, Tosoff, the monkey is mine.

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Bryon Tosoff

2/24/2016 1:39:25 PM

seen no monkey there Snarky , although you look kinda scary, what fish are you, a minnow? or a tadpole. hard to tell with all this fog floating around in my room blurs the monitor .my windows are open today and it drifted in and it is swirling around like some scene from a horror movie. although i did see donald duck around quacking a few jokes perhaps you would like to talk to Donald, not Trump, just the Duck

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2/24/2016 2:14:05 PM

Grodd not scared of fish with pants on.

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King Shark!

2/24/2016 3:13:10 PM

You can all say goodbye to Groddy, I just killed him.

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2/25/2016 11:17:55 AM

I doubt that, Land Shark.

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Bryon Tosoff

2/25/2016 11:24:50 AM

Grodd eats little tasty morsels like Land shark with one bite. I see blood splattered already , messy creature, but effective.. Land Shark is just a bit of a bully anyways

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King Shark!

2/25/2016 1:16:25 PM

My name is King Shark!

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Bryon Tosoff

2/25/2016 1:37:53 PM

Yeah. King Shark then. Lesley will probably come up with a song that puts you in your place. he is working on it right now by the way

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2/25/2016 1:48:46 PM

Shark with pants on not worthy foe. Grodd make shark with pants on look like Sea World reject.

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Bryon Tosoff

2/25/2016 2:00:37 PM

haha, King Shark is a liar, it said it took you out, what a load of Shark poo, lol

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2/26/2016 7:16:49 AM


Oh Jesus.

I love you for that, Bryon.

Maybe you could help me write something along these lines....
"Grodd Stomps The Crap Outa King Shark" I'm thinkin'...

Don't be messin' with my man, uh, apeman, Grodd, Thing Shark.

Seriously, Shark...

even if you're as big as the Jaws Shark
and you fly like in Sharknado (obviously the stupidest movie ever made,
and it has sequels, this is what's wrong with our society, Folks)

Grodd is our own personal Indie Music People KING KONG.

He'll eat you like you were sushi. I don't much care for sushi, but some love it.

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2/26/2016 7:19:47 AM



if you're into the idea,
kick around some lyrics with me....

send 'em to,




I'm working on an epic piece right now....
but I'll get through it eventually...

Grodd Rocks. Shark flops.

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2/26/2016 7:28:27 AM

And Shark, you're not King of anything....

Mitch McConnell is way more a shark than you are.

Making my point; you're all useless, and basically worthless.

But Grodd over here....

He's So Cool He Gets His Own Themesong....
which he has, which we gave him.


"Grodd Rocks" performed by BEATLESEX For Our Friend, Grodd. Indie Music People's Own KING KONG.

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Bryon Tosoff

2/26/2016 7:42:24 AM

Well Lesley, you are the king of lyrics churning out a song or two a day, amazing, me not even, i will ponder your proposal, but when it comes to creative writing and being a master at it, I would say you got that down , pat. My thing is more instrumentals, that is what I feel drawn to and so it is my specialty,and what I do best, never been a lyricist in the true sense, only on occasion and generally serious or compelling issues that I have witnessed, but thanks for the invite. I appreciate that much. I will consider your offer, and see what brain I wear today functions, : )

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Bryon Tosoff

2/26/2016 9:12:44 AM

Lesley, I have an Orphaned instrumental pop song that I deep sixed in my forlorn unused music folder, I could send it along, see what you think. might be usable will consider lyrics. see what happens

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2/26/2016 11:40:30 AM


Sounds like you are suggesting a project
which has nothing to do with the subject here,
which I'm okay with, Because Grodd Rocks and the shark flops.

Sending me an mp3 file doesn't work, I can't open 'em.
Tell you what though,

if you have an instrumental, which you'd like to hear me
make a whole song out of, you know, adding words & melody or whatnot,
release it.

That's right, release it here at IMP.

Then write to me,




and tell me that you did, and what's the name of it.
I'll go listen to it a hundred times till I've burnt it's structure
into my brain, and then I'll make a song and then a record out
of it, and it'll be a Bryon/Lesley composition...

which we could both host on our pages...

you could even sell it on yours,
but I'd ask that you donate half that money, should it make any, to IMP.

Grodd Rocks.

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Bryon Tosoff

2/26/2016 12:00:08 PM

Let me dwell a bit on that suggestion I get what you are saying, I drifted off topic, you are correct, indeed, that is a good point,. you have projects underway, as I do, and I have other assignments piling up, some new promo works happening for others, so lets leave this till another time, and you sprinkle your magic on the idea, King Shark , I think you scared the little bitty sharky away now, and Grodd too, so the Shark Tanked and ran out of gas, kinda like a shooting star, pokes his wee head into the pipeline line and scooted away



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King Shark!

2/26/2016 1:30:07 PM

I will crush both of you and your colllaboration even easier than I killed Grodd.

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Bryon Tosoff

2/26/2016 2:58:01 PM

talk is cheap shark pooh. Grodd is still around, and you are boring me to death, so hows that sound, idle threats, from a idle person sitting on ass too much ,thinking they are a Shark, pitiful. get a life and do something with it

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King Shark!

2/26/2016 3:02:12 PM

I AM a shark!

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Bryon Tosoff

2/26/2016 3:15:40 PM

A loan Shark. mr human shake your head and wake up!!

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2/27/2016 4:00:44 AM

Shark, you're Sushi. Can it.

Grodd Rocks.

I'd be happy to collaborate on something....
if you have a piece you think would lend itself to lyrics,
put it out, and email me to tell me about it.

Some of your stuff that I've heard is intricate and instrumental,
and might not readily lend itself to lyrics.... but if you have a particular
melody which you do think would work with lyrics,
and you just haven't thought of any....

Sure, I'm game.

Grodd rocks.

And the shark is not a shark.

Grodd rocks though.

That's why we made him his own themesong.

Now look sharky.... you wanna play make believe and hum
the Jaws music while you skate down the block, fine.

But really, starting your own thread, just to pick a fight with our friend Grodd?

That's just ridiculous.

But you did start this thread,
so I'm not going to post anymore on it.

Grodd, don't take the bait. It just ain't worth it.
Remember, you're so cool You Have Your Own Themesong.

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Bryon Tosoff

2/27/2016 9:24:37 AM

KING SHARK, he's not a fish but a smelly fart
he tastes like shit and aint very smart

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King Shark!

2/27/2016 12:43:39 PM

Well Tosoff, if you're ever in the same body of water as me, I wouldn't advise you to say that. My bite is far worse than my blog.

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Bryon Tosoff

2/27/2016 7:11:35 PM

woo scary

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2/28/2016 3:50:43 AM

Well you know, sharky,

if Bryon's anything at all like me,

he doesn't even GO in the ocean anymore,

your PR department "Jaws 1 thought 100" saw to that.

Swimming pools, bathtubs, or shower. That's my limit.
I won't go in further than my ankles into the ocean now.

Note To Self: NEVER Go On A Cruise EVER.

Or a plane. They could crash.
Strictly Trains or something....
or plane over land...

Okay this is stupid.

This is a person writing this.

Grodd's different, Grodd's got something to him...

I'm not having an argument with either a person
pretending to be a shark,
or a shark pretending to be able to write a post on the Pipeline.

Either way, something is fishy.

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