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Father Time Rants
Views for this Topic: 671

5/27/2016 5:35:36 AM
my new rant - Dinosaurs

5/26/2016 1:13:56 AM
Anybody have any ideas what my next rant should be about?

5/16/2016 6:57:21 AM
another brand new rant about Internet Bullies

5/11/2016 11:04:17 PM
Futility - a brand new rant, my first new one in many years

3/28/2016 10:37:59 AM

3/20/2016 9:10:18 AM


Basic (free) Member


Father Time Rants

3/20/2016 9:10:18 AM

I thought I'd bring this back from the past, now seems like the perfect time. Listen and you will be enriched.


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Psyche's Muse

3/20/2016 10:17:22 AM

...very good, Father!

Enjoying it now... (you've got a great sounding voice!)

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Psyche's Muse

3/20/2016 10:37:36 AM

Wow! This is...


Thank you, Father...

...and to think of "adversity" as a "Sign From God" would be a "HORRIBLE MISTAKE"! ...especially when it turns out that "THAT" is "The Devil" in disguise.

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3/20/2016 1:14:11 PM


That was Great.

You're one heluva Midnight Rider DJ.
I'm inspired.

You seriously have quite some radio voice.
Besides being The Future Of Rock.
I always wondered about that, how it got started.

Just outa nowhere.
Well you are anyway, so the joke's on them.

This is my day off, but I'm gonna go listen a bunch of times
to a song a friend of mine kinda asked me to do, two of 'em.
I'm takin' 'em one at a time.
I wasn't gonna do any more covers, at all, ever.

But I like the guy, and he is very talented.
Guess I am too or he wouldn't have asked me.

A well spent fifteen minutes, thanks for recording that.

I for the life of me don't know why some radio
station hasn't snatched you up.

Oh wait, yeah, that must be it, radio is not quite what it used to be,
and neither is a lot of music. Well, like you said, keep going,
straight ahead... no one's handing out the winner's prize,

you be a cocky bastard and take the damned thing, that's basically it.

Well, seems like sound information to me.
I have my cocky days, Lord knows.

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Father Time

3/20/2016 2:07:26 PM

Thanks you guys. The future of rock thing, well I think that started when Landau bestowed that title on Springsteen. I said it about myself off the top of my head one fine day, just entertainin', as some of us are prone to do. but people didn't grok me, didn't understand the spirit of how I said it and turned it all serious. The funny thing about how that turned out was that it was a pretty large group of people, and I sold my first CD without putting any tracks online and like 40 or 50 people from that forum bought it, just desperate to prove to themselves that I wasn't the future of rock. :D

I relate more to my other self-proclaimed nickname, the last rock hope. Because there isn't a lot of hope left for music. A couple of us out there raisin' our hands, like you said. No one's calling though, few care, few even understand that there was a time when music mattered.

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3/20/2016 2:14:59 PM

Well, you know, my friend....

I'm already in 'mode' as I like to say.....

I'm getting ready to hit the studio, got my troops on standby alert over here....

And you know, this is what I'm gonna lay on you now, Cat.

Before there was a music industry hungry to sign the hot talent,
there were the first Freight Trains.
They didn't raise they hand. They didn't ask permission.
They didn't do nothing, but come slamming on through
like what they were, a Freight Train.

Then some hotshot in the business world realized,
'Hey, this is a Freight Train'.

Do you get it?
I'm saying, outright, we can't make the mistake of putting
the cart, before the horse.
We're the horse. We're the Freight Train. We come first.
We do it. Then they go "Oh".
Is my point.

Let me get busy over heah.


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Father Time

3/20/2016 2:26:06 PM

Sometimes this pipeline feels like it's the roundhouse, like somethin' is gonna come flyin' out the gate.

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Noah Spaceship

3/20/2016 2:29:05 PM

I dig it, Scott, make more :)

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3/22/2016 9:06:19 AM

We agree. More. More. Give us More.

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3/22/2016 11:27:10 AM

More, we want more!

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Steve Ison

3/22/2016 11:54:49 AM

Nice one Scott..Good rant :)

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Father Time

3/22/2016 1:36:49 PM

ok, I'll bring another one back in a couple days. :)

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Psyche's Muse

3/23/2016 3:56:37 PM

...Thank You, Father!!! ; )

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