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Father Time Rants
Views for this Topic: 624

5/27/2016 5:35:36 AM
my new rant - Dinosaurs

5/26/2016 1:13:56 AM
Anybody have any ideas what my next rant should be about?

5/16/2016 6:57:21 AM
another brand new rant about Internet Bullies

5/11/2016 11:04:17 PM
Futility - a brand new rant, my first new one in many years

3/28/2016 10:37:59 AM

3/20/2016 9:10:18 AM


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Father Time Rants

3/28/2016 10:37:59 AM

possibly my most famous rant from around 2007


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Psyche's Muse

3/28/2016 6:14:54 PM

...another "good" rant from "Our Father". It's a shame that it's true... meaning that it is "bad" too. Wow, Father Time, we're in pretty bad shape, huh. I am pretty "Lethargic" myself, sorry to say. I just figured it was age taking its toll... but I feel that it is more a sense of "Hopelessness". WTF! Another "Good" topic... another "Needed" topic too. Keep 'em coming!!! -M-

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3/29/2016 8:55:59 AM

Well that was quite some missive of oration.

Glow you assholes.


I have a lot of thoughts about this subject.
I won't go into it too terribly much, because, the simple fact is,
I'm older now, have less energy than I used to, and really,
I wanna save that energy for the next record.
And the next record, and the one after that, and the one after that.
I like makin' 'em.

Doing, is a constant process.
We all face lethargy, what we do about it, well that's the crux of the biscuit.

What causes lethargy?
I think, the answer to that, is: fear.

I grew up in a time of great social movement.
Very little lethargy then.

No, the lethargy came, after they assassinated the singlemost
symbol of hope to overcome those who would subdue us;
the day they managed to 'whack' John Lennon.

Yeah, a nutjob, named Crapman, I know the cover story.
And I'm telling you, that nutjob, was programmed.
Manchurian Candidate stuff. Doubt it, know it, deny it, I could care less
how you respond to this information. When I know something is true,
I don't need to hear it confirmed, by anyone. I know what I know. All to it.

Yes, if you have the glow, be the spark.

That is me, and this is exactly what I try to do, all the time.
It's why I'm here.

If you wanna be good, bring a torch, maybe provide some light.
If you wanna be great, set yourself on fire, and yourself Be Light,
Be The Torch.

So Come Unto Me, And Light Your Own Torches...

I Am The Light, Because I Set My Holy Ass On Fire.

And I shall Burn BRIGHT AS HALOGEN, All Of My Days.

I'm being more particular these days,
more focused,

not just doing 'any old record',
I want 'em to count.

The Music Scene,

Will Change,

when somebody,
maybe me, maybe someone who follows me,
maybe I just am part of getting it started, I don't know....

but it will all begin to happen again,

when some indie artist,
is able, to set all those who listen to any song they make
on fire, with excitement.

Like once upon a time, the first pioneers of Rock N Roll did.

That initially happened, in the first place,
not because someone made them,

but because they, made everyone else.

Take Alan Freed for instance.
Great Entrepreneur and Pioneer of Rock N Roll.

But he didn't Make Rock N Roll.
Rock N Roll made him. He just had enough sense to Present It To The People.

And at that time, that was a big no no to the 'establishment' types,
and in the end, they beat him down, and ultimately to death.

But he did not fail. Rock N Roll's Torch Was Now Lit For All To See.
Alan Freed, the people.

And this is what some of us forget.
Forget waiting for some businessman to 'get it'....
"Hey, I'm great, notice me!" ---is just, lame. And I've said it myself.
And I'm telling you, it's sooooo lame.

No, the only thing that is NOT Lame....

Is Be That Light.

And That Only Happens,
With A Kind Of Do Or Die Courage,

that one could liken to 'setting one's self on fire'.

Where you stop looking back.
Where you just launch yourself like a friggin' ROCKET.

And You Be That. With All You Are. For As Long As You Are.

That's what I do, and what I put my energy into, all the time.

Even if I don't put out a record for a while,
I'm still there, trying to come up with a record that's worth the
time it takes to do, and the time it takes to listen to.

Hope, has a lot to do with inspiration.

I admit it, I do not have as much hope as I used to.

Because I used to believe that one day, Absolute True Love,
would happen for me.

I've had lots of 'almost, not bad at all, pretty good really'....

and I am grateful for it.

That Disney thing though....

never quite seen that happen....

and it is the hope, that it still could, which drives me.
And it is the doubt that it'll ever happen, which is the
biggest cause of my lethargy when I have lethargy.
I have no fear. A lot of people do, especially
those of us old enough to remember when they whacked Lennon.
It occurred to us all 'hey, that could happen to me'.

Well, Folks, I don't give a bright blue blazing f*** if it happens to me.
If it happens to me, that means I did something right. Hooray For Me.
Hold A Parade. Sing Songs. Celebrate.

I Will NOT Go Gently Into That "Good Night".
I Will Rage, Rage, RAGE Against The Dying Of The Light.

'cause that's just the kind of ball-busting bitch/bastard I am.


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Noah Spaceship

3/29/2016 9:04:33 AM

Fuck yes, Lesley!

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Father Time

3/29/2016 9:48:53 AM

I never thought it was fear, maybe it is for some folks. I think there is an unknown force in the universe that causes good people to sink into the quicksand of lethargy. I fight this all the time, only rarely do I ever win.

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Psyche's Muse

3/29/2016 10:15:07 AM

...I second what Noah says, ALJ. That's a very good spill on this stuff!

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3/29/2016 12:08:35 PM

Well, let me try to expound on this just a bit.

Picture it like this.

There are Two Wolves.
One is the Wolf of Hope , Love & Light.
One is the Wolf of Fear, Despair & Darkness.

Which Wolf wins?

Answer: The Wolf that you feed.

Now, Lethargy, in my summation,

is in fact a product of the Wolf of Fear, Despair & Darkness.

Whether it shows up on a person's radar, as fear,
or simply as being listless, being depressed,
it is all, the same wolf,
both Wolves are very crafty, and will try to reach you however they can.

Part of it is setting one's self towards a predisposition.
In other words, deciding, you're committed personally
to feeding the Wolf of Hope, Love & Light.
By making that a conscious choice, you then adopt the mindset
to keep doing that, which is good, it has to be a habit to be of any use.

It can also, if a lack of commitment is present,
become a habit of 'giving in to doubt'.
Doubt can be a terribly destructive force,
and all you have to do to let doubt win,
is listen to the stinking bastard. Just that. And it gets to workin' on ya.

Henry Ford, pioneer auto manufacturer, put it like this:
"Whether you think you can, or cannot, do a thing, you are right!"

And the part, about making it a habit, is very important.
You have to, if you want to succeed,
make it very much a habit to Feed The Right Wolf.

Because, if you fail to make that choice, you've chosen anyway.
To feed the wrong Wolf.

Whether it comes to you as fear, or hopelessness, doubt,
or just an entirely listless feeling of futility.

It's all the Wolf of Fear, Doubt, Despair, Darkness.

You either feed the Wolf of Hope and Love and Positive Effort and Light,

or make no mistake, you're feeding the other one.

You get it?

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3/29/2016 12:14:30 PM

Maybe I need to add this:

Yes, that Lethargy can be a very powerful and formidable force,

you may not beat it easily....

I know, I've faced incredible amounts of Lethargy
becoming the me I am now.

There's a trick to it. Wanna hear it? Here goes.

Kick Your Own Ass Up That F***ing Hill You're Whining
About Not Being Able To Climb.
Sure, we whine, we complain,
plenty of me, DID NOT wanna do all the work it took
to become the me I am now. Know what?
That was a me, I did not accept,
I kicked his f***ing ass.
"I don't wanna do it... wahhhh!"
"F*** You, You're DOING It." Kick, Kick, Kick, Kick....

You get it yet?

Sure, you're gonna whine like a baby, that's human nature.
Growth sucks because growth hurts like a bitch.

You force yourself to do it.
That's how you become strong.
It IS a fight, with one's self.

One I intend to win.

Feeding the Right Wolf.
Refusing to let myself wimp out.

That's how. That's what.

There is no try.

There is do.
There is not do.

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