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Father Time Rants
Views for this Topic: 554

5/27/2016 5:35:36 AM
my new rant - Dinosaurs

5/26/2016 1:13:56 AM
Anybody have any ideas what my next rant should be about?

5/16/2016 6:57:21 AM
another brand new rant about Internet Bullies

5/11/2016 11:04:17 PM
Futility - a brand new rant, my first new one in many years

3/28/2016 10:37:59 AM

3/20/2016 9:10:18 AM


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Father Time Rants

5/27/2016 5:35:36 AM

my new rant - Dinosaurs

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5/27/2016 6:18:26 AM

Very informative but not about dinosaurs. :) That part about the science fair made me LOL.

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Father Time

5/27/2016 11:38:07 AM

Thanks Evie, I bet you won a few science fairs in your day, huh?

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5/27/2016 5:07:23 PM

I know dinosaurs. I was a young man when there were dinosaurs. And, Senator, you're no Dino Saur. You don't get to be a dinosaur til you're 83. Or 87. Or whatever the fuck I am.

Back when I was competing with dinosaurs, I had a junior high (do they still do science fair projects in jr high? Or is high school the replacement for jr high now? Dunno) science fair project, too. It was Ma-Ex. (Mars Exploration) robot. This thing had temperature sensors. It had wheels and motors. It was boxy rectangular looking. It had a battery. It had wiring all over the place. It was the forerunner of what is actually crawling around on Mars now. Came in third or some such. I did this before I could describe what a parallel circuit was (while still using them). Mike DeBelko told me I was fulla shit, wiring things that way. It was all tangled up. In his view, everything had to be wired with separate wiring from every here to every there.

Mike DeBelko was wrong.

But I didn't know that.

So, I let him rewire it, before the show. Never worked again.

So, fuck Mike DeBelko. He must have gone on to an engineering career, because you see the Chinesified results everywhere.

You see the effects of that same kind of dumfuck but determined thinking all around you nowadays. It results from the kind of people that the music industry hires nowadays. Dumfucks. Dumfucks who are reeeeally sure of themselves. They're not innovators. They're accountants. Have you ever met an innovative accountant? Me neither. Accountants know probability theory. They know what the "mean" opinion is of music buyers. They know averages.

They don't know a damn thing about exceptions.

Because exceptions are unpredictable

The Beatles were unpredictable. Kurt Cobain was unpredictable. Prince was unpredictable. I could go on and on with unpredictables, Unpredictables are the real money-makers. Unpredictables are the source of new trends. Unpredictables are the geniuses that turn things on their heads.

You're classing unpredictables as dinosaurs, simply because they don't surface much lately. But they will. And when they do, they will exhibit every quality the dinosaurs do, but in an unpredictable way.

That's evolution.

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Father Time

5/27/2016 8:41:02 PM

Well I learned something from what you wrote there. The whole dumfuck thing. I never really thought about it but the web of shittiness that has made our society not as good as it should be is these dumfucks growing up and scattering themselves amongst realms where good things should happen and they would, except for the dumfucks throwing wrenches in the works.

I an an exception, as you are, an exceptional dinosaur.

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5/28/2016 4:32:59 PM

Yes, well maybe that's a calling card. "dinosaurs". Little do they know what's coming.


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5/29/2016 5:54:16 AM

You know, that might just be something there.

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