6/18/2016 9:31:05 AM
As for the photo, if you try to upload a jpg file which is too big (the numbers are too large, it tells you somewhere in the system here what it's capacity is,
like when you just upload it, it'll say, that the photo was too big, so it didn't save it.)
As for the mp3,
well first, you wanna be sure it IS an mp3 you're trying to upload.
I once forgot, and tried to upload a wav file.
Then again, if you got it to show on the front page,
but it won't play....
this is confusing indeed.
I would say your studio sucks.
I'm sorry. I didn't wanna go there,
certainly not right away,
I was suspicious indeed, when they supplied you with a 192kbps mp3 file.
Who does that?
Nobody does that.
Only Indie Music People Streams in Full High Fidelity 320kpbs bitrate MP3....
Now, judging and deducing,
from the 'knowns' already present in this curious equation,
(by the way, you do realize, you could have written me
and asked, but that's okay, the big crazy rock star is scary to write to, it's okay)
we and by we I mean me,
I now know, this 'studio' whatever the whole get up in reality is,
has no problem fobbing off a lo fi mp3 on you,
and while I was able to retrieve wav files
of your vocal work from the original go at "Naive",
this time, when you sent me a wav file
of your new performance,
i was not able to upload it.
in fact, it behaved so strangely, in the old computer out here,
that I became beyond concerned; I was now alarmed.
I downloaded it, tried to move it to the flash drive,
seemingly, it was there then...
next step it take it out of the download bin,
as it ain't my computer.
cannot be removed, it told me.
That sets off Red Alert by me.
I don't even know, how I got it out of the download folder,
but by the time I had,
it wasn't even in the flash drive either.
Something, was up, with that wav file.
I'm just going to recommend for one thing,
that you look into other studio accommodations,
because I do not feel like you're getting your shilling's worth, or whathaveyou.
If, your song won't play,
obviously, even though it may have been codable into an mp3
mp3-ish enough to fool the system into letting it through the kitchen door,
"Who are you?" "MP3" "Okay, right in, turn left."
Well it's a wonky bloody file to begin with.
Too terribly bad you simply aren't in NY.
We could sort all this out.
You have to ---as a rule, basically, overall as a principle----
you have to trace it back to where it worked.
You have to go back to your studio
thump the engineer on the head with a frozen lamb,
'cause nothing says you took the time to prepare like lamb,
and demand that free of charge or more lamb for you Mr,
a wav file which works.
And if it were me, I'd make the sunuvabitch reimburse me for carfare.
I am that way.