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9/22/2018 6:05:51 AM
New Music from Me

6/20/2018 9:33:10 AM
New Album From MinikeGirl

9/22/2017 5:04:09 AM
New Release from Me - Min Gåva

7/23/2017 10:56:14 AM
New Release from ME - Änglarna Beundrar

6/19/2017 1:00:35 PM
MinikeGirl Summer ??

3/29/2017 10:01:32 AM
New Release from Me - Overjoyed Mother

3/12/2017 8:38:30 AM
Extremely Thankful :)

2/18/2017 11:40:53 AM
2 New Songs from Me MinikeGirl

2/6/2017 7:54:54 AM
Fixed Idea :)

2/5/2017 3:59:44 AM
Thanks To All Radiostations That Add My Music !

2/3/2017 12:49:16 PM


Basic (free) Member



2/3/2017 12:49:16 PM ---- Updated 2/3/2017 12:51:25 PM

Hello Iam Kinda new here but I Love this place. Have you people been here for years or are you new here like me?
Iam a Singer and Songwriter and I have 8 Songs here at the moment but It will be many more. I really look forward to learn more about this site and listen to your music.
Have a Great Day All of You / MinikeGirl

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Father Time

2/3/2017 12:52:44 PM

Hi Minike Girl, welcome to the pipeline!

There's a lot who have been here for a time and a lot of new folks too, a pretty good mix. What does your name mean, is Minike a town? or a point of view? :)

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Bryon Tosoff

2/3/2017 1:01:05 PM

welcome MinikeGirl. to IMP and the pipeline, I have actually been featuring a number of your songs on the eYe and music is truth stations. I really like your vibe and good energy. one of my favs of yours is LOVELY INSANE I have listened to a few of your others and added some more as well. great sound and good singing. keep cranking those songs out. you got it happening for sure

bryon the eYe

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2/3/2017 10:46:51 PM

I like your sound, how do you produce your backing tracks, what software do you use

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2/5/2017 2:49:02 AM

Thank you so much :)

The called me Minike on Sri Lanka at the orphanage I was at before I was adopted to Sweden. The name means according to the at the orphanage for a little gemstone. The name is actually a bit longer but I have chosen to shorten it down a bit :) ....

/ MinikeGirl :)

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2/5/2017 3:02:04 AM ---- Updated 2/5/2017 3:07:54 AM

Thank you so much for adding my music and appreciate it. It is a great honour for me to finally be able to show it, which I will make regarding my music. It really feels quite wonderful. So a thousand thanks for all the nice feedback that I get from you :) . It is people like you who inspire and lift up other people in its creation. It is people like you that are needed.

Thank you so much Bryon Tosoff :)

/ MinikeGirl

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2/5/2017 3:23:59 AM

Thank you :)

In the studio we use one of the more well-known music programs that the Mac has. I usually sit a good distance away from the mixing console and the technical stuff is. It is very sick buttons. My music producer who helps me to add in the background may arrange with all the technical to make. It makes good backgrounds, and good music is because I think of freedom in my creation.

He who owns the studio where I go is very good at what he does and that is why I hire him. He understands what I mean and he understands me which I think is really good for it is a lot of emotion in my music. Music creation is my way to process things that have happened in my life and for that I love to create music.

Have a Great day :)

/ MinikeGirl

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Bryon Tosoff

2/5/2017 7:09:40 AM

Thank you for sharing your story, of adoption and your heritage and your journey into music, lovely meaning of your name. cheers and much thanks to you for sharing your fine music here MinikeGirl



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Father Time

2/5/2017 7:35:20 AM

You are a gemstone, your name fits!

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