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9/22/2018 6:05:51 AM
New Music from Me

6/20/2018 9:33:10 AM
New Album From MinikeGirl

9/22/2017 5:04:09 AM
New Release from Me - Min Gåva

7/23/2017 10:56:14 AM
New Release from ME - Änglarna Beundrar

6/19/2017 1:00:35 PM
MinikeGirl Summer ??

3/29/2017 10:01:32 AM
New Release from Me - Overjoyed Mother

3/12/2017 8:38:30 AM
Extremely Thankful :)

2/18/2017 11:40:53 AM
2 New Songs from Me MinikeGirl

2/6/2017 7:54:54 AM
Fixed Idea :)

2/5/2017 3:59:44 AM
Thanks To All Radiostations That Add My Music !

2/3/2017 12:49:16 PM


Basic (free) Member



6/20/2018 9:33:10 AM

New Album From MinikeGirl

I have 7 New Songs for you.

1. Better Way
2. Until I Die
3. Keys Away
4. Trouble Maker
5. Stay Out
6. Healing Future
7. The Living Challenge

Please add them to your stations and let me know what you think about my new songs. All my new songs are written from my soul. This ones are from my real life more naked than usually.I hope that my songs can be there for you all and that you can feel the power with my lyrics in my song. Never gives up how hard life ever would be!
I love you all Many Hugs From MinikeGirl

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Desperado Revue

6/20/2018 10:05:35 AM

Just listened to " The Living Challenge " and " Healing Future ". Will be listening to a lot more of your songs in the next few days.

Look ahead to seeing your songs appear on " Desperado Stations " in the near future.

Norm - Stations Manager

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6/20/2018 10:44:15 AM

Thank you so much :) Hope you get a lovely summer ! Many Hugs From MinikeGirl

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Bryon Tosoff

6/20/2018 12:36:20 PM

Glad to see you back at IMP MinikeGirl, thanks for the note you sent via email to me letting me know of your new album,.will check it out soon here

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Shoe City Sound

6/20/2018 4:58:54 PM

Minike Girl! Glad you are back around. Just listened to Better Way - love it - can't wait to get the chance to relax and listen to all the new tunes.

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6/21/2018 4:49:11 AM ---- Updated 6/21/2018 4:49:55 AM

Thank you so much Bryon Tosoff :)
Its lovely to be back here on Indimusicpeople I love this place !
Many Hugs From MinikeGirl

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6/21/2018 4:53:24 AM

Shoe City Sound Hello :)

Thank you I am glad that you like my music. I hope that you will have a great summer.
Its really lovely to be back here on indiemusicpeople with my new music.

Many Hugs From MinikeGirl :)

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6/23/2018 9:07:11 PM

Very well constructed tunes and beats-----added to The Art Gallery !

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