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Betty Cooper
Views for this Topic: 750

11/8/2017 4:41:57 PM
See my dark side on the show tonight.

10/11/2017 3:47:43 PM
the 2nd season of Riverdale starts tonight!

5/26/2017 2:28:01 AM
compliments of my agent

5/12/2017 1:14:15 AM
Somebody's got to care.

4/20/2017 2:38:34 AM
Fame is a mixed bag.

4/6/2017 3:12:17 AM
I sing a little too

3/29/2017 6:28:06 PM
I refuse to be typecast as a nice girl all the time.

3/18/2017 6:26:38 AM
I want to get married and start a family as soon as I finish college.

3/14/2017 10:52:18 AM
Who do you like better, me or Veronica?


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Betty Cooper

5/12/2017 1:14:15 AM

Somebody's got to care.

When I had the opportunity to speak at the jubilee, I knew what i had to do. I spoke out for the truth, for what's right. Women do this all the time in society, and with characters like me and Veronica and Supergirl on TV, we will bring a different world, one that fights for the right things, not power and greed and popularity, but of the value of honesty and good.

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5/12/2017 12:11:36 PM

I care.

And you're alright, Kid.
More power to you Betty. Lili. Whatever name you please.
I have a few myself. Names.

God Bless, Much Love, me

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