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the Green
Views for this Topic: 893

12/19/2006 2:08:23 AM
Know the Issues Topic: NBA Brawl 2006, Who's to Blame this Time?

12/12/2006 6:21:13 PM
Have You Voted Yet?! The Fake 2008 Presidential Election Poll is On!

12/8/2006 2:14:42 PM
"Know the Issues", commentary by the Green political team

11/20/2006 10:37:07 PM
Updates Updates Updates! Check it Out!

10/8/2006 10:44:40 PM
New Song Available for Download!

9/23/2006 3:15:40 PM
New Pics from Latest Photo Shoot! New Shows!

8/10/2006 10:12:18 PM
**New Political Blog: Presidential Vacation**

8/10/2006 10:11:19 PM
**New Political Blog: The State of Our World**

7/31/2006 10:19:44 PM

7/13/2006 2:54:17 AM

6/20/2006 5:45:25 PM
Brand New Track Added to the "Emancipation" DMD!

6/8/2006 5:08:25 PM
Brand New Music From the Green...

6/7/2006 3:06:31 AM
Election Years, Blinded By Fear and Propoganda

5/15/2006 9:56:27 PM
The President's Immigration Speech

4/27/2006 1:52:13 AM
**The Great Gas Gouge, a political blog from the Green**

4/21/2006 5:29:30 PM
"The Decider", a political commentary by "the Green"

4/20/2006 8:24:47 PM
**Here is the Link to the "Rise" Premier tonight at 8pm EST**

4/20/2006 7:36:52 PM
**DEBUT TONIGHT @ 8pm! THE GREEN PRESENTS..."Knee Deep in Sand" from the upcomin

4/20/2006 2:35:50 PM
the Green loves all of you! here's the latest!

4/19/2006 4:54:34 AM
Who is "the Green"?

4/18/2006 4:16:52 PM
Casa Blanca

4/17/2006 4:50:01 PM
Casa Blanca to launch at IAC tonight at 11pm CST! Don't Miss It!

4/17/2006 4:42:08 PM
Casa Blanca Disclaimer (Please Read)

4/15/2006 10:04:34 AM
Grab the Star...

4/12/2006 4:54:26 AM
go to www.listentothegreen.com for an exclusive song!

4/12/2006 4:51:12 AM
The Choice of a Lifetime and The Path to Peace...

4/11/2006 11:44:45 PM

4/11/2006 12:50:37 AM
Just Posted a B - Side from the "Emancipation" Album, "New Age Hustler"

4/6/2006 3:24:23 PM
the Green "Emancipation" album is available to download now, here at IAC!

3/25/2006 6:51:06 PM
"The Kyoto Treaty" by "the Green" - IAIA Song of the Year Nominee!

3/25/2006 6:49:44 PM
Freedom of Drink

3/25/2006 6:48:24 PM
The Media, The Public, and the Politics of War


Basic (free) Member


the Green

6/7/2006 3:06:31 AM

Election Years, Blinded By Fear and Propoganda
The Green Blog:
Topic: Election Years, Blinded By Fear and Propoganda


Every two years we are faced with the decision to either keep or remove our congressmen and senators from office. Right on cue with this election, as in the past, the Republican Party, in particular, have resorted to their election year scare tactics. Statements in reference to the US becoming less safe under a different congress are just ridiculous. How could any other people do a better job with our resources? Wow, that's a hard one... This has been the most fiscally irresponsible congress in the recent history of our nation. Think about who you are voting for this year, and start watching them early. See if they stand by their convictions from early on, or pander to their lobbyist friends. Let's make sure to hold our leaders accountable for the mistakes that have been made. Don't be afraid to let fresh ideas and new faces in. The only way to achieve a better nation, is to have a continous bond between generations. Not just old and young people. Just people with ideas and better ways to make use of the vast resources our country has to offer it's citizens. If we allow ourselves to fall into the propoganda traps that will be laid out for us to stumble upon, the only thing that will happen is more of the same careless spending, and bad policy making. You're going to hear all the classics, gay marriage, abortion, terror, but we have to rise above this cloud of smoke. Look at the War in Iraq, they are pushing it to the back burner while trillions of taxpayer dollars are headed it's direction. Let alone has the policy making of this government caused so many lives to be shattered. Don't be fooled by those who resort to old tactics, we need to unite as a people, put our heads together and get this country back on track. Send me your thoughts.

Till Next Time...

-the Green

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