the Green
8/10/2006 10:12:18 PM
**New Political Blog: Presidential Vacation**
Sometimes Political, Sometimes Just Plain News!
Topic: Presidential Vacation
We need to take a serious stand and raise our voices! It doesn't take a Rhodes Scholar to know that we have reached a pivotal point in the war against terror, but what is our President doing to help the peace process? That's right, taking a vacation in Crawford. Come on people let's get real, it is well known now that the President himself has not even been in contact with the Israeli Prime Minister during this conflict. He has decided to take a break, and send Condelleza Rice to the region to do all of his forgein policy work. This is a time where an ally of ours is engaged in a deadly conflict with a renegade militia group in Lebanon, and all he can do is hold a conference joking about how we all want peace (you think). Smirking at the situation get's us nowhere. Give us a break Mr. President. Get on the phone, work the lines, at least get the idea that we truly care about the Israeli people out there, or we are going to lose more Mid-East allies in Jordan, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Israel. Maybe even the new Iraqi Government if we are not careful. This just looks lazy to the rest of us outside the ranch. How can this be a good time to take it easy and smile. Our borders aren't secured, oil is through the roof, Israel is under constant attack, Iraq is headed south and our President is hunting quail. I think we need to call out our governemt before they make us look any worse around the world. Get out of bed, Mr. President, and get on the phone with Israel and the UN.
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