the Green
5/15/2006 9:56:27 PM
The President's Immigration Speech
Political Blog: 5/15/2006
Topic: The President's Immigration Speech
I just finished watching President Bush's address to the country regarding the current illegal immigration crisis in America. Shortly after the speech, the banter and opinions began running rampant througout network and cable news channels, so I escaped, and decided to form my own, unbiased opinion on the speech.
So here is my reaction:
It was a very well-delivered speech, maybe the best of Bush's Presidency. I have been a pretty harsh critic of many of this President's policies, but on Immigration Reform, I tend to side with his 5-Step Proposal, which he outlined tonight. The problem is this. Can he be trusted? If the congress is to pass this reform, will the money actually arrive where it needs to? The problem with Bush has never been his intent. It is his lack of ability to deliver when it matters most. I hope deep down that he truly intends to push this level of reform through the congress, without allowing the meaningful legislation to be cut for his political gain. Unfortunatlely, having been dissapointed time and time again over the past 6 years, I stand cautiuosly optimistic about any proposal outlined by this President, no matter how well delivered a speech it is. So my friends, only time will tell whether this was just a speech meant to get the President's approval ratings up, or a speech that will eventually go down as the turning point for illegal immigration and border security reform in this country. I hope for the latter.
Finally, the most important thing to remember when it comes to the handling of what has become an illegal immigration crisis is that all people, whether in this country legally or illegally should be given an oppurtunity to prove their worth as citizens, and be lead down a road to citizenship. I think all Americans realize that this country was founded by immigrants, so we cannot let this reform disrupt our melting pot society. At the same time, those who are in line legally to gain citizenship should be given priority over those who are here illegally. Everyone will get their chance, but what's fair is fair. I think the President made a good point of his intent to make sure we preserve Americas immigrant heritage, let's see if he breaks his streak of dissapointments, and truly delivers on this one.
Till Next Time,
-the green