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Mr. Mundane
Views for this Topic: 425

2/14/2018 12:24:22 PM
My girlfriend says I'm boring

2/11/2018 3:42:28 PM
I went shopping today for sandwich fixins.

12/15/2017 6:39:54 AM
things that make me mad

12/6/2017 8:14:15 AM
stirring soup


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Mr. Mundane

2/11/2018 3:42:28 PM

I went shopping today for sandwich fixins.

I was really looking for this kind of baloney called Lebanon Bologna. I bought some which I thought was overpriced only to see it later at Aldi for the same price but a larger quantity of slices. I also got swiss and sharp cheddar cheese, and a new bottle of mustard. I was going to get tomatoes for my sandwich but the ones they had at Kroger didn't look so good.

Just a warning, don't get any chili dogs at the Orange Julius stand, I had one yesterday and boy oh boy did I get a bad case of heartburn. Luckily my wife had some Tums nearby or it would've been all over!

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Plum Jam

2/12/2018 2:10:01 AM


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The Wrecker

2/12/2018 2:13:23 AM

Too much baloney for my taste. Ever think that a better diet might make you less mundane?

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