Shawn Adam Williams
2/5/2022 12:10:48 AM
In Loving Memory of My Auntie
To my musical colleagues and fans. In the loss of my mother; Patricia Williams-Perdue, my first auntie; Cheryl Denise Goodwin, and my second auntie; Bobbie Elizabeth Goodwin. In the midst of it all, my loved ones in my family were the ones who believed in me. Through every situation, every heartache, every trial and tribulation I faced. I must decide that I will take a break from music until further notice. I will be back in March to work on new music. Please send some encouragement. I just want you to know that my mom and my two aunties are still here in my heart.
To those who support me throughout my music, I just want to know that my mom and my two aunties are smiling down after I've been through. But I have one reason to know that I must let go and let God.
Anyway, I'm still going through grief, anger, anxiety, distress and depression when loved ones I loved the most. But I understand what really happened to me, all these negative thoughts and issues about me are still FALSE. I ask all my musical colleagues and fans to feel my pain because it's self-harm. I'm doing the best I can for them, I tried to hold on a little longer. So, I want to thank y'all for your condolences and encouragement. Thank you so much. Be on the lookout for my next song in March 2022. May God be with you.