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7/23/2018 3:38:59 AM
Talent is a horse that you just find yourself on

7/22/2018 5:04:05 PM
Do you believe in predestination of any sort?

7/22/2018 10:33:58 AM
When is art art, Art?

7/13/2018 6:01:05 PM
What do my initials stand for?


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7/22/2018 10:33:58 AM

When is art art, Art?

I thinki if someone breathes, it is art. Anything anybody says or does leaves some sort of trail, thus it is art, Art can stand for something or it may not mean anything. Art can have intention but it doesn't necessary have to intend anything. This thread is art, everyone is an artist. My friend Art is an artist.

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7/22/2018 4:08:32 PM

Such a rediculous statement hampers the validity of real artists who actually do art of some type. You know? Things like painting, drawing, Acting, singing etc. What this really is is another attempt by you to gain attention. Maybe if you put some music up on your page I would be impressed. But there is absolutely nothing there. Not even a picture. According to the definition you just gave, the bugger I just blew out of my nose was artistic. But no, it was just gross and no, you are just posturing for attention. Breathing is a function that everyone does if they are alive. How can you call that art? There is no obvious skill or talent involved in breathing. Ridiculous man! I mean, woman or whatever you may be. No one knows for sure because you're a freaking anon and everybody knows how I feel about them. I think that many are cowards hiding behind some weird persona because they are scared to be themselves. Your definition diminishes the hard work and dedication of real artists who actually do something artistic. No Respect, Stoneman

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7/22/2018 4:21:31 PM

I respect you Stoneman because you never make any bones about coming out and saying what you mean. I find being anonymous useful to me because it makes a discussion more about my actual content and less about issues related to my identity.

As far as processing art goes though, the way a person lives their life can be perceived from the perspective of art, especially in an age where not much fine art is even coming to the surface. Artists must find inspiration to keep their creative juices flowing and for me that is these days more found by the day-to-day aspects of how friends and acquaintances lead their lives than any artistic product they are putting forth. These same people used to be very forward with the fruits of their creativity but they are now like long dormant volcanoes, one friend comes to mind, his music was praised far and wide, he had an artistic presence. But it's been years since he did any music to speak of.

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7/22/2018 4:36:15 PM

Maybe he is no longer doing music because people around him have lost the true meaning of what art is: Producing works to be appreciated primarily for their beauty and emotional power. Yeah, but if that person you allude to is living an anonymous existence, no one knows them, their art or anything about their lives. Art is meant to be seen and examined. If you art artistic some people will appreciate it when they see it.

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7/22/2018 4:41:17 PM

Well that brings up another interesting question. If one does quality music that appears to not be appreciated, isn't it still art? Does how a piece is perceived have anything to do with anything, really?

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Psyche's Muse

7/24/2018 5:58:08 AM

some "great" artists were never "great" until AFTER they died. Most did only what THEY liked/wanted/needed/felt compelled to do. "Feeling" is an "art" in and of itself... conveying/expressing "feeling"... NOT to be rewarded... nor FOR "appreciation of/by/from others", but for/by/unto thine own self... being true... honest... whatever "feels right"... feels "necessary/needed"... not of/by/for others... but for you... yourself... claiming... exclaiming... calming... peace... piece of shit... doesn't matter... only this matters... this... right here... hear? peace or piece... piece of you... left here after you are gone... donated... given... it may stink... yes... it does... unto high heaven... articulated... artfully done... not appreciated... not by "those that matter" anyway... "they" are the experts you say? so what!!!! (my little "donation" unto the "art" being expressed here) =M=

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7/24/2018 10:16:25 AM ---- Updated 8/24/2018 8:56:00 AM

People have been trying to define art since time immemorial.

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8/22/2018 12:29:27 AM

SCAG, that was a very well pointed thing you wrote. Quite compelling! So much so that I cannot help but agree. Much Respect, Stoneman

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Francesca Tamellini

8/23/2018 10:22:05 AM

Art is
When people can say
Anything is artistic.

It is like taking prose sentences
That have
Little meaning

Chopping them up
Into lines of
Ferent lengths
And calling it a poem

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fly on the wall

8/23/2018 11:31:00 AM

fake art

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Steve April

8/23/2018 8:46:13 PM

Cheers, Francesca. You rock the Pipeline lol!!!

Good point, also...

Reading an article today about an artist ignored for decades, she's 88 now, in Japan, who finally getting recognition, "you have to work hard and fight for it, and hopefully the world catches up with you..."

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8/24/2018 8:58:07 AM

Is there art in a fart?

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8/24/2018 11:31:59 PM

It depends on how unique the fart is. I mean, can you make it sound like no other fart has sounded? Fartologists all agree that there is an art to making the perfect fart. But it must be a fart that has unique qualities. Like say maybe a fart that smells like flowers or soap. That would be a very artistic fart indeed. However, the ultimate artistic fart would be one that can carry a tune without leaving burns in your shorts. Yes, I guess farts can be artistic.

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Jim Acosta

8/25/2018 8:43:13 AM

I am doing an article on farts, one quote I found from one guy is this one. "A farting man is the one to hire" I am going to interview him and find out why he says that,
then I am going to tour about the nation and do a man on the street thing interviewing people on this very subject, but first heading to see this guy and find out if it is true what he said, as you know I do investigative reporting and will delve deep into this very subject and do my great fart tour and found out is indeed "A farting man is one to hire" , as a side note, does that apply to ladies?

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8/25/2018 3:32:58 PM

haha Stoneman and Acosta, funny stuff.

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10/9/2018 1:47:57 AM

Ladies don't fart. They poot. It is different in that it has a more effeminate tone and can be liked or loved in spite of the horrible smell. Quite often they lay silencers. Those cannot be detected unless you get a whiff of the smelly jiff. Although I am no expert on the female poot, I have encountered it on occasion while lingering my head under the covers during late night hours. Ew! is all I ever say when the putrid flatulence of the female species is encountered. Yet, I smile to myself knowing that the hell my own gaseous expelling must have given her all these years is far worse than any piddly pooting from her. Life has a way of balancing things out. Love is smelling the poot and not giving a damn.

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Jim Acosta

10/9/2018 10:11:34 AM

ah Stoneman, you way off, not even close, its called a fluff, heard it first here, that is what the girls called them in high school. guys fart, womens do fluffs, poof there it is floating about like a wonderful perfume , that is how they get your attention too. by fluffing, you dont hear it, you get mesmerized by them,hypnotized inebriated well some have the boing boing looks too thats how they catch their prey, yah, fluffs the greatest invention since sliced bread

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10/9/2018 3:24:42 PM

Harrr, never heard it called that before but I stand corrected. Long live the fluff! May it forever permeate the male nostrils.

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10/9/2018 3:55:08 PM

TVAC should change the title of this thread to When is fart art, Art? :D

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Psyche's Muse

10/27/2018 6:31:37 AM

"Bluto Did It!"

"Bluto Did It!"

"Bluto Did It!"

(from an old Popeye cartoon... and it fits so well!)

Who is Art?

Is it Mr. "Tickles"?

And is that Mr. Tickles "Late"?

Wait! No! It's Mr. "Tick"!

Mr. Tick... you late?

Art Tick!!! ...you late?

hmm... guess so.

must be dead as a door-nail.

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Father Time

10/27/2018 6:49:12 AM

Art Ist, of course.

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Psyche's Muse

10/27/2018 7:23:04 AM


are you saying: Art Ist or... Art ist?

for doesn't Art (HAVE to come) 1st...

and only THEN can there be any... Art ist?

but wait! without an Art ist there could never be any Art at all!

oh wait! never-mind! it's only when the Ex Perts come along and "Call" some thing "Art" that "Art" can "actually" appear.

who th' fuck is this Art anyway?
and what th' hell does he want?
art, art, Art... "ART"!!! Hey You!
Get th' fuck over here dude(dudette?)

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Bryon Tosoff

11/25/2018 1:59:09 PM

What! Art .art is a persons name . What is it that makes a persons name special .is there art in each of our names?

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