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Mike Lance
Views for this Topic: 214

6/9/2024 5:54:42 PM
Hypochondriac Blues

6/4/2024 2:49:01 PM
The Laureates are Dead

5/31/2024 3:59:31 PM
Coming back from the proverbial dead

1/7/2023 6:18:15 PM
Musically dead

6/26/2022 9:46:19 AM
Thank you

5/1/2021 10:43:05 PM
Introducing Lake Roads

8/9/2020 1:05:06 AM
This is Not My Last Song

7/31/2020 11:43:30 PM
Under a Waning Moon

1/29/2020 12:02:05 PM
Museum of Common Relics

12/30/2019 11:51:51 PM
A new pet peeve in recorded music.

9/3/2019 9:30:34 PM
Cover of Two Silo Complex's "Never Let You Go"

7/16/2019 10:45:40 PM


Basic (free) Member


Mike Lance

6/4/2024 2:49:01 PM

The Laureates are Dead
The Laureates are Dead

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Richard Scotti

6/4/2024 4:11:43 PM

Great lyrics ala Dylan at his most intellectual and trippy compelling music + vocals with Leonard Cohen gravitas. Ambitious and unique!

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Mike Lance

6/4/2024 4:15:07 PM

Thank you, Richard!

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Mike Lance

6/6/2024 6:02:17 PM ---- Updated 6/6/2024 6:02:17 PM

Thank you Scott for making this a featured track!

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Bob Elliott

6/24/2024 3:17:25 PM

Wow, really nice country road vibe. The sound is nice on the ears. Well mixed. Great sound

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