1/16/2008 8:32:14 AM
Nu Video "CY_BER_ROCK"~Austn news#37
Hi friends, fans and fellow musicians...Wow!!! 4250 friends at myspace and growing ( ), thanX you guys 4 the support, and if you haven't jumped on board yet, let's get goin', there's plenty of room left at Austn'space... check it out as snocap has all my CDs on the page now ... "VOIZZZ"(the Nu CD) is coming SOO00oo00OON!!!
SONG SONG 4 2 DAY... "CY_BER_ROCK" Nu Video is out on or ...This song is a tribute 2 all the ROCK GREATZ that created our ROCK culture...a song 2 remind us where it all came from and a message 2 not 4get them N this craZed, mp3, CY_BER world we live N 2day...catch the Vid and here's the lyriX... Does the rock still roll?Elvis shook his pelvis, the King caused such a buzz, Chubby played all his checkers, then he twisted and shouted at her Holly’s little buddies, oh, those crickets please Perkins still got the blues, don’t you step on his blue suede shoes,Jim was the lizard king, open doors was his thing, Hendrix had a fuzzy Strat, upside down strung like tha,tOh Lord, won’t you please buy Janis a Benz,Who kicked over the Mr. Moon Kit?Bonhaun’s stairway, it was a candle lit,ch{Rock through the ages persevered on bl og pages,Vinyls to 8 tracks, cassette tapes, Now any Joe can Rip a way,Googles, and Googles of MP3's, I Pods full of mediocrity,Cyberrock give me a smash hit, Cyberrock, don’t lose the event Cyberrock, PLAY IT}Does the rock still roll? The Stones are getting old,Fly’n home like a free bird, Skynard is Alabama’s, Abey, White, Revolver, Peppers, Walrus, the Yellow Submarine all caused such a fuss,Let It Beattles took A ticket to ride Yeah yeah yeah St Paul, John and George a songwriter’s orgy, Richard’s still in bed, stars dance’n in his head Smoker with right foot forward, barefoot one’s not really dead,Just new direction with solo expression{} OTHER ARTISTS I HIGHLY RECOMEND... "Piperon", A magnificent ambiance, Flut-ist composer and arranger...If U want MOOD music/myztique, then "PIPERON'S" creatationZ of soundscape will Nthal your senses... ...Mari a Daines , from the UK... an Awesome/overwhemingly talented Blues/Rock/POP female vocalist that's cataclysmic N agressive style and performance pressence... she is an "animal rights" activist with purpose and responsibility...Just supported/opened 4 "PINK" N a benefit concert 4 the UK supporting animal rights...This Gal ROX with all the best of them...She also has turned me on 2 a referal "myspace" type site that pays U 2 do your cyber-connection/blog thing... ...if U like myspace??? join this site using my referal link and join my fan/friend list there...But by all meanZ, Check out Maria..... she's Hot
ROCK QUOTE 4 THE DAY...You know, the Beatles' tours were like Fellini's Satyricon. I mean, we had t hat image, but man, our tours were like something else. When we hit town, we hit it. We were not pissing around. - John Lennon VIDEO...S "The Devil's Garden" my spooky/Hall oween-ish/scare video-tune 'bout the stuff N our lives that sends chills and ills down our's a re al heavy th rob'n chill piece ...check out it and the quick video I've thrown 2gether of this Halloween season... here's a listening link at soundclick... or at myspace, click on the video link under my picture or use this direct link... http://vids.m