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Views for this Topic: 1130

8/16/2009 8:52:17 PM
Best Guitarist N the World

4/10/2009 10:12:27 PM
Best Guitarist N the World ????

3/11/2009 3:12:14 PM
I'm Irish R U????!!!!!

12/14/2008 8:38:09 PM
Song Problems on IAC????

4/7/2008 1:55:14 PM
Nu Song Posted by ~Austn 2 listen 2...

3/4/2008 11:50:47 AM
Killer Nu song..."TZR_XXX" by ~Austn is on site...

2/26/2008 8:50:23 AM
So Sorry ~Austn

2/12/2008 9:47:32 AM
Top 6 ROCK guitarists of all time????

1/16/2008 8:32:14 AM
Nu Video "CY_BER_ROCK"~Austn news#37

1/15/2008 8:34:00 AM
Sno- N Seattle...believe it or not...

1/3/2008 12:43:57 PM
Nu 'ear resolution...Nvonvenient Truth

12/31/2007 10:39:28 PM
HappE Nu 'ear ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

12/26/2007 1:19:06 PM
POST Xmas GreetingZ and Wishes 2 ALL

12/19/2007 2:55:01 PM
Merry XMAS 2 ALL!!! ~Austn..."I Believe"

12/18/2007 1:31:03 PM
Merry XMAS 2 ALL!!! ~Austn

12/7/2007 1:24:42 PM
Happy Holi- DAZE

11/28/2007 2:43:40 PM
Gotta Have Heart Austn

11/6/2007 1:56:57 PM
Remem'ber 2 VOTE ! ! ! 2day...

10/28/2007 10:42:25 PM
Halloween Video ~Austn

10/14/2007 1:24:32 PM
Check out some...~Austn

10/4/2007 10:47:21 AM
ListN 2 "Gotta Have Heart"

9/15/2007 11:54:17 AM
Nconvenient Truth

9/13/2007 10:19:11 AM
"Gotta Have Heart" needs played...

9/11/2007 12:33:47 PM
9/11.....remember we all "Gotta Have HEART"

9/10/2007 12:35:33 PM
Driving psychedlic Ndie TUNE...

9/8/2007 10:05:57 PM
Austn needZ sum listens on this tune...!

9/5/2007 3:49:00 PM
Check this tune!!! drumZ!!! lyriX!!!

9/5/2007 3:49:00 PM
Check this tune!!! drumZ!!! lyriX!!!

9/1/2007 10:49:22 AM
Gotta Have Heart

8/18/2007 10:54:13 AM
Great DRUM track on Alternative/Ndie tune...

7/22/2007 10:47:10 AM
Meaningful LyriX

7/20/2007 1:04:40 PM
Check this tune!!! lyriX!!!

7/19/2007 10:59:31 AM
Check out this solo!!!

7/17/2007 1:33:45 PM
Summer's HOT and Here N Seattle...

7/14/2007 10:16:21 AM
check out these drums...

7/12/2007 11:51:37 AM
Gotta Have Heart Austn

5/28/2007 10:59:58 AM
Happy Memorial DAY

5/18/2007 11:18:15 PM
Austn Newsletter #31 "Dig'N the Dirt"

5/5/2007 1:58:32 PM
check out these drums...

5/1/2007 2:32:40 PM
Check out CY_BER_ROCK

4/21/2007 11:09:40 PM
Nu news from "Austn"

4/21/2007 11:09:26 PM
Nu news from "Austn"

4/17/2007 1:02:45 PM
Nu Ndie underground site Podcasting Austn

3/6/2007 11:51:31 PM
IT's Getting W E I R D ! ! !

2/26/2007 1:24:44 PM
Global Warming??? !!! ???

2/25/2007 2:47:37 PM
Nu old Stuff...

2/23/2007 2:27:14 PM
Austn Blog #27

2/20/2007 8:24:54 PM
"Gotta Have Heart" needs played...

2/11/2007 1:56:31 PM
I'm now Prime...YES...uploading!!!!

2/3/2007 1:28:17 PM
Hiding "global Warming" data...WOW!!!

1/31/2007 8:16:31 PM
The Burning "BUSH"

1/24/2007 9:10:14 PM
CY_BER_ROCK by Austn has been released

12/18/2006 10:59:38 PM
Merry Xmas ~Austn

11/16/2006 12:15:44 AM
CY_BER_ROCK by Austn has been released ! ! ! !

11/8/2006 4:10:14 PM
CY_BER_ROCK by Austn has been released ! ! ! !

10/25/2006 8:56:50 PM
Austn Newsletter 26 " 'Fraid"

10/8/2006 1:51:29 AM
Austn Newsletter 25 "Lost In Limbo"

9/21/2006 10:05:12 PM
Austn Newsletter 24 "SWAyGGLE"

9/9/2006 4:17:28 AM
Austn Newsletter 23 "Just A Man"

9/5/2006 2:01:42 AM
Hi I'm Austn


IAC Prime Member



10/8/2006 1:51:29 AM

Austn Newsletter 25 "Lost In Limbo"
Hi friends, fans and fellow musicians...(over1500+ #1music fan club listings)..."PSOARIASIS" my latest CD is out, and doing GREAT!!! ,
SONG SONG 4 2 DAY... Lost In Limbo... a keyboard/sythn tune woven 'round a guitar riff built on that E diminished scale...all the tunes on this CD R N EZ guitar friendly key of E, just different modes and scales (thus the CD name PSOARIASIS, of which I'm also a victum)...the tune is all 'bout being left on a limb or N limbo, due 2 our daily life tribulations and routine stuations...Njoy the synth Nterlude solo as it blasts off the diminished scalewith a real wandering, lost mood... The first verse grasps about everyday life, the 2nd...all 'bout how our significant other can and will leave us hang...and the 3rd of course, how our job or carreer can make us feel soooo meaningful...but don't lose hope we R all on the same boat(EARTH) together...Check it out at http://mixposure.com/austn (or a shortened low-fi version that any system can handle is attached)... Here's the lyrics... Tell tall tales stating this and that
Non possessive words like his and hers
Where's the man wearing two hats
His true meaning I can't decipher
Raps 'n lingoes like a real cool cat
Can't find rhyme or reason I beg
Tired of phone tag pullin my leg
Talkin in circles oh hold riddles of vague
Say what you really really mean
Mean ev erything you really say
Sometimes things change from day to day Make sure you really want it that way
Left hanging at the end of my rope, gasping for air and hope
Juggling efforts, rewards, and fruits, Jumping right through the hoops
I am, you are, lost in limbo
Caught you with your hands in the cookie jar money
Be back soon honey, 3 or 4 wasn't fun
You took the cell, gas in the truck, On a roll Party Doll, home alone It sucks
(repeat Chorus:)
Doing a multitasking job
Service with such a great big smile
Not planning a career work'n a paying hobby, Stocking aisles Mile after mile
The man in suits lobby controls my knobs Will that be paper or plastic
You want em doubled that's a fix Oh, You want both to do the trick
Cash or charge Seal the deal
Credits for loans doesn't pay the bills
So you want help, help out, how could there ever been any doubt.
(repeat Chorus:)
NEWS and ANNOUNCEMENTS ..."GREY is now #1, and FACE THE MUSIC is #2 on the album charts at mp3tunes N the 90's rock list, check it out!! http://www.mp3tunes.com/musicchart.php?chart=album&genre_id=69 the songs respectfully R 17th and 19th N the ROCK list there also ...Cyberland is holding on to it's #1 spot on the alternative chart list at http://frogchin.com ...A new blog system and promo page network has been set up at http://independentartistscompany.com/personal.aspx?id=50997 with my music page http://independentartistscompany.com/artist.aspx?ID=18 133 ...my distributor Kunaki CD replication and I , R working on a program to lower production costs...then maybe we can get those hard copies out 2 U below $10... N the STUDIO... Wow, progress on the new CD project is really making me Xcited, check out Janetlee and Wild N the Streets at http://mixposure.com/austn and

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