12/14/2008 8:38:09 PM
Song Problems on IAC????
Any of you other Artists have any song playing problems???? Don't like to POST here buuuuut this kind of problem, but it started Nov.18th and is still un-re-solved....Only two of my songs have play links next to their names on my Artist 4 "Austn"and see...thus none of the others play from the Artist page or any stations they are on, messing alot of things songs have slipped from high numbers to 70's and down in the hunderds rapidly as no one can play them...iacsupporthotline has been e-mailed by me, my fans, friends, etc.... anybody know whatZ going on!!!! or what I need to do?????? and yes I'm a lifer, PRIME Artist...ThanX 4 any answers or solutions~Austn