Maria Daines
8/22/2006 12:12:34 AM
Your thoughts on the end of mp3...
Tonight when I was uploading there was some kind of glitch and the song file was apparently not visible on my pc, I searched like a mad thing, knowing I had definitely uploaded it, anyway to cut a long story short, I found it by adding it to the 2nd section instead of the usual number 1 area, but it got me thinking, if indies were suddenly prevented from uploading material to the net, or if mp3 was phased out by greedy invisible people at the top of the world..... how would you go about promoting your music?
Answers on a postcard please...:):)
Chris Hance
8/22/2006 3:55:20 PM
Well, thats a good q, not sure I can answer, but maybe it wont happen, the music tech is in our hands now, and the invisibles have moved on to more profitable commodities such as cluster bombs, and night vision goggles sold through legal loopholes to Iran and Israel, and then on through underground blackmarket networks to jihad organisations such as hezbollah...
Theres not enough profit in mp3s to bother any invisibles....