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5/20/2024 3:42:13 AM
What is Heardle Game?


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5/20/2024 3:42:13 AM

What is Heardle Game?
Players visit the Heardle website, where they're greeted with the day's musical challenge. The game begins with a one-second snippet of a song's intro. If the player is stumped, they can opt to skip or guess, unlocking more of the song. The heardle game continues in this manner until the player either identifies the song or exhausts their six guesses.

The Heardle Effect on the Music Industry

Heardle's influence extends beyond entertainment; it's making waves in the music industry. The game has been credited with increasing streams and exposure for featured artists. Songs that appear as daily challenges often see a spike in listens on platforms like SoundCloud, and the game has even led to increased monthly listeners for some artists on Spotify.

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6/3/2024 5:15:49 AM ---- Updated 6/3/2024 6:20:26 AM

Your positivity is refreshing.

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