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8/2/2010 2:28:20 PM
Hey Byron T.
byron hey man so i have a new trax i'm almost done with and just have to do the mastering. I'll let you know when its up. Talking with you all made me think about some things and i stepped outside the box on this trax. still in my genre class but i did everything different this time. From how i arranged the song, progression of melody, sound effects,feel of the song and now how i will master it.
would you be willing to talk about this trax?
maybe listen to a before and after

8/2/2010 2:29:39 PM
oops srry m8

Bryon Tosoff
8/2/2010 3:20:22 PM
no worries Lance, thanks for your query
what exactly are you looking for from me. critique , suggestions ideas. review. other
; )
Can you link up the specific song to your song page. or if you want send to me via
yousendit.com to btosoff@shaw.ca
I am actually taking a break for a few weeks, from all my promotions and all for artists, but dont mind to check out yours..........I do have some promotions I am finishing up and some that are to start is this just essentially a listen up.
I think you may have asked me on another blog, caught that, but forgot about it, holiday time for me lately
kick it into gear and bounce it off of me, and I will see what I can do for ya Lance

8/2/2010 4:33:22 PM
ok, well lets see...
bounce ideas around, listen to your thoughts about things i might be missing.
review only if you find it moving, i never thought to ask you to do anything more than just talk to another musician.
But i accept any advice given.
if you have the time, i didn't realize how much you do.
just trying to network and talk about music.
As far as the song i'll send both versions vai the u send it. just have to render the first cut.

Bryon Tosoff
8/2/2010 5:01:05 PM
hey Lance, I can listen up to your song you have in mind on your page, no probs
And general discussion here, or in private.......your call
have a good one

8/2/2010 5:05:05 PM
k so don't send it thru yousendit.com?
cause i was just fixing too.

8/2/2010 5:15:06 PM
k i sent the rough cut vai yousendit
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