10/31/2010 8:55:23 AM
We are elements. Equal parts of Fire, Water, Earth, Air, and Spirit. Every part controls and molds each of us...making us who we are. Thru sonic vibration and sound manipulation I will create a song for each and try to catch the essence of each element. This will be a 5 song series; of which three are done so far. Those tracks are:
1. Elemental---representing the element of Spirit
2. Gaia---representing the element of Earth
3. As the water comes rushin---representing the element of Water
These three are already up on- www.iacmusic.com/xeno71
My motivation for doing this is to express how each element has effected and changed my life.
Each with its own meaning and lesson, those are:
1. Fire- the drive of life, it has the power to destroy and from the ashes create life. In essence
it represents rebirth
2. Water- a drop in a sea of eternity, it washes away all that is known or owned. Cleans away all the build up of life; leaving the element of purity.
3. Earth- a being, life force of everything. Every moment in time, she creates new life...keeping the energy balanced.
4. Air- an element of need, it fuels the dreams of many. Either a gentle breeze or whirlwind, its constant energy propels movement. creating the element of change
5. Spirit- the alpha element. using its own energy to drawn upon each element and focus that into what is us...human. The binding force that causes life and feeds the souls of everything.
I hope that this series moves and reaches the depths of many souls and minds, and teaches that everything is elemental.
Lance W.