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Views for this Topic: 1221

5/19/2015 10:12:35 AM
Thank you!!!!

3/25/2014 7:42:10 AM
possible change?

3/18/2014 9:46:50 PM
hey all

4/17/2012 8:40:43 PM
New epic collab release

11/7/2011 5:45:55 AM

10/30/2011 7:06:19 AM
time for classic trance remixes

9/4/2011 8:32:16 AM
(9/11/01) memorial song

9/2/2011 6:18:19 AM
I'm back

7/5/2011 8:14:06 AM
yea hitline

7/1/2011 8:10:37 AM
july gig

6/2/2011 9:43:20 AM
New cd release

5/19/2011 9:24:21 AM
money from my account?

5/17/2011 9:00:39 AM
#1 in the dance charts

5/15/2011 10:07:18 AM
no internet

5/6/2011 8:09:08 AM
new trax done

4/13/2011 4:24:58 PM
my purpose

3/26/2011 10:27:47 AM
iac music shares or stocks

3/26/2011 9:36:10 AM

3/22/2011 7:23:34 AM

3/17/2011 12:16:21 PM
Next trax

3/17/2011 8:21:48 AM
iac radio idea

3/10/2011 7:06:06 AM
payment profile

2/13/2011 10:57:39 AM
remixed n remastered

2/7/2011 10:47:01 AM
New trax up

1/31/2011 8:26:47 AM
hey bam

1/25/2011 4:13:57 PM

12/4/2010 11:06:35 AM
new cd up

10/31/2010 8:55:23 AM

10/8/2010 1:36:19 PM
2010 0watonna,mn. flood

9/20/2010 8:56:05 AM
hey all

8/2/2010 2:28:20 PM
Hey Byron T.

7/28/2010 8:24:41 PM
I'm on a roll

7/20/2010 6:36:51 PM
yet another steamin hot trax

7/19/2010 7:53:53 AM
New Trax release

3/8/2010 12:25:25 PM
march changes to iac

1/23/2010 12:29:03 PM
My songs in the charts

10/18/2009 11:52:43 AM
Essence of Life

10/11/2009 9:58:40 AM
back in action

9/27/2009 3:26:43 PM
on break

9/21/2009 11:40:06 AM
opt in program

2/7/2009 6:07:53 AM
music break


IAC Prime Member



2/7/2011 10:47:01 AM

New trax up
new trax..Afterlife is up. pls. check it out and let me know what you think. I used a new midi controller i got to do the mastering and melody creation.
as usual if you like pls add me to a station
Lance Williams(xeno71)

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Richard Scotti

2/7/2011 12:26:58 PM

It's a good track, Xeno. It seems that there is little or no snare drums on most of or perhaps all of your tracks. Have you thought of adding a snare? It seems like mostly pulse electronic bass drum.

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2/7/2011 1:49:35 PM

thx richard 4 the add. snares....yes i have used them before but not alot honestly. maybe for a build up or basic secoundry percussion but i don't use em alot,,, as you've heard. why r u hearing something i'm not or that i'm missing?

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Richard Scotti

2/7/2011 3:27:19 PM

Xeno71 - It's not a criticism. I was just wondering why you would not want to use
snares in your work. I guess I'm use to hearing them in most electronica and/or House type music but you have your own way of producing which I respect.

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2/7/2011 3:53:48 PM

oh i didn't take it as bad. I have just been trying to be more open to learning more. Its a valid point and true. I will have to spend some more time on percussion, next trax.
btw the new to me keyboard i picked up for 50 dollars was the m-audio radium 61 key midi controller. so one piece recovered from all the flood loss. overall pretty sweet keyboard plus i like having the sliders and knobs to tweak the sound out. this and my drum machine back i think i could actually be able to perform live.

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Richard Scotti

2/7/2011 6:05:32 PM

Do record on a computer or a keyboard sequencer? (or both?)

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2/7/2011 7:22:23 PM

i am mainly just computer based. i did own the korg karma but had to sell to get baby stuff. the drum machine i want back is the electribe esx-1 from korg. that i would lay out percussions on, and also use to create sound effects and my own samples. so in answer to your question i can do both when i have the gear. The reason why i went this route is because i felt i could efficently combine both computer generated sound with self made samples.

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