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5/19/2015 10:12:35 AM
Thank you!!!!

3/25/2014 7:42:10 AM
possible change?

3/18/2014 9:46:50 PM
hey all

4/17/2012 8:40:43 PM
New epic collab release

11/7/2011 5:45:55 AM

10/30/2011 7:06:19 AM
time for classic trance remixes

9/4/2011 8:32:16 AM
(9/11/01) memorial song

9/2/2011 6:18:19 AM
I'm back

7/5/2011 8:14:06 AM
yea hitline

7/1/2011 8:10:37 AM
july gig

6/2/2011 9:43:20 AM
New cd release

5/19/2011 9:24:21 AM
money from my account?

5/17/2011 9:00:39 AM
#1 in the dance charts

5/15/2011 10:07:18 AM
no internet

5/6/2011 8:09:08 AM
new trax done

4/13/2011 4:24:58 PM
my purpose

3/26/2011 10:27:47 AM
iac music shares or stocks

3/26/2011 9:36:10 AM

3/22/2011 7:23:34 AM

3/17/2011 12:16:21 PM
Next trax

3/17/2011 8:21:48 AM
iac radio idea

3/10/2011 7:06:06 AM
payment profile

2/13/2011 10:57:39 AM
remixed n remastered

2/7/2011 10:47:01 AM
New trax up

1/31/2011 8:26:47 AM
hey bam

1/25/2011 4:13:57 PM

12/4/2010 11:06:35 AM
new cd up

10/31/2010 8:55:23 AM

10/8/2010 1:36:19 PM
2010 0watonna,mn. flood

9/20/2010 8:56:05 AM
hey all

8/2/2010 2:28:20 PM
Hey Byron T.

7/28/2010 8:24:41 PM
I'm on a roll

7/20/2010 6:36:51 PM
yet another steamin hot trax

7/19/2010 7:53:53 AM
New Trax release

3/8/2010 12:25:25 PM
march changes to iac

1/23/2010 12:29:03 PM
My songs in the charts

10/18/2009 11:52:43 AM
Essence of Life

10/11/2009 9:58:40 AM
back in action

9/27/2009 3:26:43 PM
on break

9/21/2009 11:40:06 AM
opt in program

2/7/2009 6:07:53 AM
music break


IAC Prime Member



3/17/2011 8:21:48 AM

iac radio idea
good day all. this idea is focused towards our artist and our ceo's.
here's my idea:
An exclusive Iacmusic internet/radio show...each nite a different dj who covers a different genre; with a twice a month interview with an iac artist chosen or picked because of chart ranking or a ceo pick.
There ARE many broadcast sites to choose from and from expierience have learned that people really enjoy live dj broadcast vai internet.

Having our own artist run show would
a: allow the artist to get free air time and exposure
b: give a sense of pride and accomplishment to the artist that help run it
c: inform listeners of iacmusic and our great collab of artist.
d: in the long run..drum up capital or finicail means to keep iac going( ad inserts, vioce over..ie)
This is my idea and dream for our music company. Neil and all other ceo's pls consider this. If you think yes let me know, being that i have most of te broadcast gear needed to do my own show from home i can lay out the steps and guidelines for this idea.
Sincerely, Lance W.(xeno71)

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Bryon Tosoff

3/17/2011 11:18:52 AM

that is a great idea. you mean podcast Lance

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3/17/2011 11:44:32 AM

no bryon i mean live internet radio broadcast. but not opposed to podcasts or prerecorded broadcast. but live would allow for a chat room, allowing our listener to interact live with each genre dj and be able to converse live with the artist being interviewed. also opens the door to getting more artists to come to iac. I haVE FOUND THE EVEN A LIL INTERNET RADIO PROMOTION GOES A LONG LONG WAY. oops sorry 4 the cap lock. my monthly plays alone jumped into the thousand when i was doing my weekly for global1.fm.
I wanted to bring something being used by others that is working, my part in helping us step into the future.
we need to broadcast ourselfs; iac as a whole will make leaps and bounds as a company if we can take this next step. this is just what my heart tells me.

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Bryon Tosoff

3/17/2011 12:56:33 PM

good one

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Shoe City Sound

3/17/2011 1:10:04 PM

I love this idea - I have no earthly idea about how it's done, but I'll keep reading and see what develops in case I could contribute in some way.


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3/17/2011 2:59:02 PM

well thx you. how its done is simple...just need a program like simplecast. listeners would be drumed up by artists and iac reps promoting to radio stations for slots.
we would also need to set up with a broadcast chat server like xzat or what ever community decides on. we need a team of selected members to moderate the chat rooms and would need iac programmers to add a spot on the page so visitors could listen to the live shows and interviews.

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Bryon Tosoff

3/17/2011 3:08:48 PM

excellent piece of creativity and thinking Lance. hip happening thing. nice proposal

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3/17/2011 3:21:42 PM

Yeah I agree, live shows like what you propose are very popular on several musicians websites! Why not here?

Great Idea!

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3/17/2011 9:27:41 PM

Thank you Lance for your post and for sharing your thoughts regarding an IAC radio show and also for raising the support that you have already voiced to our announcements and plans to date to a level that makes a difference here at IAC - positive thinking coupled with constructive ideas and suggestions and with offers of involvement and participation. IAC needs to continue to be seen and promoted as a peer driven community committed to serving the needs and expectations of its members as well as pulling out all the stops in order to rise to new levels of excellence and performance for the benefit of all members and listeners.

Your eagerness to play whatever part you can as we continue to move IAC forward into the future is greatly appreciated and valued. With the experience that you have had in this regard and with willingness to become involved, and if you are open to the invitation, we would look forward to your participation with others here who have a great deal of experience in this area in looking into doing a radio show. As you are well aware, there is a lot involved in doing it right.

I will be in contact with you further in this regard.

Thank you again for your post, and thanks to Bryon, Shoe City Sound and Stoneman for echoing and supporting Lance’s post. Together we can build a better, brighter future for IAC.

Neil w Young

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3/18/2011 10:18:28 AM

no thank you neil. i have waited silently behind the curtain for just the right time to share my thoughts and ideas. to have them so openly accepted means so much.

As far as involvement...yes i want to be involved and i come from wanting to do this more for everyone and a lil for myself. It's is a win win idea. I am ready when you need me. In the mean time i will continue to doing the research needed to answer whatever questions you might have on having an online radio show.

I want to say thx again though. I really want and need to be involved with Iacmusic.com and create strong ties with kiac media. The fact that you would or will consider my idea means more than words for me.

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Duane Flock

3/18/2011 5:10:29 PM

I think Scott (F.T.) had tried something like this a while back with Skype. It was all in house for the IACers. I still have my headset and Skype acct. The format was based mostly on a talk/chat show.
The main problem was time zones though.

I personally think having a real internet radio station featuring IAC artists, would be Great. There's a link to a cool prototype on my page called IMRadio. It took a year or so to get off the ground, but they are now kicking Ass!
The bonus to the whole idea is the 24hr music and the occasional personal show/chat and "special guest DJ". You can still do the first show live, record it, and then repeat it every so many hours acording to the time zones.
There's room to make money with a few (NOT MANY) 30sec advertisements to help sustain the project.

I like the idea.........


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Duane Flock

3/19/2011 7:59:40 AM

Those previous statements I made are meant to help you get over the obsticles, and not to put down the idea. Someone already tried, but eventually gave it up.
You could have a live interactive chat for an artist each day of the week for each time zone (just an idea). Toss it around and work on it.
It's a win-win for everyone. I'll even help cause I think IAC should have an Internet radio station. Email me if you like.


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3/19/2011 9:51:42 AM

d...no prob i didn't take it that way. but i thank you for your support and offer to help. it will take a lil doing to get it up and running. but I know we can do it.
just don't think skype would be the way to go. Thinking more paltalk or xzat chat servers. Just have to wait on management to make the final call and then we'll go from there

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3/21/2011 12:17:38 AM

still waiting on more community input on this subject. I want to hear thoughts ideas possible involvements. then i will draft the full proposal for neil and the ceos to go over. heres what i need as of so far...any graphic artist out there that could create a nice radio show banner? what artists would be willing to give a hour or two a month to do a show.?? How does this name sound for the show???(IAC Radiofm-your only Indie radiostation)

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3/21/2011 9:33:52 AM

Love your enthusiasm Lance!! Hang tight - this is on our agenda and parameters are being established to move it forward in a structured manner. We'll get to you soon.


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3/21/2011 12:45:53 PM ---- Updated 3/26/2011 10:37:16 AM

no prob neil, just getting all my ducks in a row per say. I know you all are busting ass behind the scene to get stuff done. So i just figured i do the same. If there is info that you need me to start researching let me know and i will hop on it right away. I already have a paltalk basic room set up but not online yet, and will be working on finding ouut how much a xzat room would cost.
Here is the web addy to the broadcast software i would advise us useing
it is called sam broadcast and would enable me or whoever you choose as manager to have real time control plus like it says would help generate rrevenue.

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