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6/19/2006 9:50:53 PM

20th Episode of Idyllic Music

This 20th episode of Idyllic Music reminds me how utterly universal a language music is.We'll hear recordings from Russia, the U.S. France and the U.K. from the likes of Compulsive Behavior, Victoria Mosley & The Sublimes, Cyndi Vellmure and a Coisa Louca. I'm Jim Nye.

We get started with an instrumental track from French vocalist Jacques Peretti. He records under the handle Compulsive Behavior 'Is Not That Easy'

That's Compulsive Behavior 'Is Not That Easy' Visit the French language jacquesperetti.com

Victoria Mosley & The Sublimes is the collaboration between poet Mosley and producer Dominique Brethes, recording from Wolf Studios in London. This is the loosely elegant 'As in a Dream'

Read more of Victoria Mosley verse at savagepublishers.com/crazylove and hear more at myspace.com/thesublimes

From darkness to light, perhaps, unbearably light. One of the joys of childhood.
This is 'The Art of Skipping'

That's Idyllic.
L.A. based singer Cyndi Vellmure lyrical imagery is lazerlike on this next song. Here is 'This I Pray'

That's Cyndi Vellmure and 'This I Pray'
Look for much more at cyndivellmure.com

From St Petersburg, Avant-garde jazz bassist Dmitrij Kroevich adopted a Portuguese title for his electonic project called "a Coisa Louca" This is 'Fresco'

Hear more of Dmitri's compelling jazz compositions at soundclick.com/dmitrijkrotevich

For more on this podcast including show notes, _scripts and links to the artists as well as the band Idyllic, log on to www.idyllicmusic.com or idyllicmusic.blogspot.com. Also visit the recently opened Cornershop where you can help support many of the artists you hear on Idyllic Music by buying a song from them at iTunes.

Thanks for listening. I'm Jim Nye.

Compulsive Behavior

Victoria Mosley & The Sublimes

Cyndi Vellmure
a Coisa Louca

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