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12/20/2007 8:22:30 PM
the next IAC radio hit?

12/5/2007 7:10:45 PM
celebrity deathmatch

12/4/2007 6:41:05 PM
take the metal quiz

11/26/2007 9:47:44 PM
is metal really dead?


Basic (free) Member



12/4/2007 6:41:05 PM

take the metal quiz
are you metal? how metal are you? this questionaire should clear things up for us both.

1 - who would you rather cook for you
(5 points) - emeril
(10 points) - dane cook
(15 points) - sasquatch
(20 points) - hannibal lecter

2 - someone gives you fergies CD. what do you do?
(5 points) - say thank you
(10 points) - smash smash smash
(15 points) - pee on it
(20 points) - set it on fire

3 - snoop dog shows up at your church. what do you do?
(5 points) - ask him for an autograph
(10 points) - ask him to leave
(15 points) - set him on fire
(20 points) - why am i in church?

4 - you just found out your signifigant other has been unfaithful. theyre on their way home now. whats your move?
(5 points) - get some boxes ready
(10 points) - call an ex to invite over
(15 points) - set them on fire
(20 points) - lay a tarp over the carpet, this could get messy

5 - brittney spears gives you her autograph. what now?
(5 points) - forget ebay, im posting this on my trophy wall
(10 points) - who is brittney spears?
(15 points) - set it on fire and make sure she sees it burn
(20 points) - im out of toilet paper, this will work

6 - your new lover wants to take you to a night club to dance, what should you bring?
(5 points) - drinking money
(10 points) - condoms
(15 points) - a pistol
(20 points) - some matches (haha)

7 - a crack head asks you for your change in all their beligerancy. what is your response?
(5 points) - "no"
(10 points) - "what will you spend it on?"
(15 points) - "hell no"
(20 points) - set them on fire. chase them if you have to

8 - a record exec offers you a 3 cycle contract with a SOB of $20k. the only catch is you have to rewrite it all in a new genre. what now?
(5 points) - Ill take the deal, and the money
(10 points) - Ill say no and stay poor
(15 points) - Ill take the money and move to mexico
(20 points) - ill set his ass on fire for asking me to change, and keep the money anyways

9 - some skater punk calls you a faggot. what do you say to that anyways?
(5 points) - "yea you know it. heehee"
(10 points) - give em a facepunch
(15 points) - give em an eyestab!
(20 points) - set him on fire!!!!!

10 - the hottest chick in showbizzz is....
(5 points) - brittney the junkie
(10 points) - fergie the superslut
(15 points) - gwen steffani the sellout
(20 points) - none of the above!!!!! real chicks have substance and personality. shallow women piss me off!!!

50 - 100 - you are not metal. you will hate everything i am proud to be about
100 - 150 - you are somewhat normal which is creepy. change it up a little bit. see seraphim live!
150 - 200 - check out seraphim today.

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Two Silo Complex

12/4/2007 10:51:48 PM

Check out my answers they may amuse you. I score 200.
1 - who would you rather cook for you
(15 points) - sasquatch

2 - someone gives you fergies CD. what do you do?
(15 points) - pee on it then set it on fire (20 points)

3 - snoop dog shows up at your church. what do you do?
(20 points) - why am i in church?

4 - you just found out your signifigant other has been unfaithful. theyre on their way home now. whats your move?
(20 points) - lay a tarp over the carpet, this could get messy

5 - brittney spears gives you her autograph. what now?
(15 points) - set it on fire and make sure she sees it burn then (20 points) -use her hair beacuse I'm out of toilet paper, this will work

6 - your new lover wants to take you to a night club to dance, what should you bring?
(5 points) - drinking money & (10 points) - condoms

7 - a crack head asks you for your change in all their beligerancy. what is your response?
(15 points) - "hell no"

8 - a record exec offers you a 3 cycle contract with a SOB of $20k. the only catch is you have to rewrite it all in a new genre. what now?
(15 points) -take the money and move to mexico but don't change the genre. Is he going to come to Mexico to find me?

9 - some skater punk calls you a faggot. what do you say to that anyways?
(10 points) - give em a facepunch

10 - the hottest chick in showbizzz is....
(20 points) - none of the above!!!!! real chicks have substance and personality. shallow women piss me off!!!

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