ELECTRIC FORGIVENESS (John Bundrick/Jon Dawson)
5/14/2006 5:27:09 PM
Smells Like Teen Dollars
Spent a large chunk of the weekend with my friend BK LaRUE, is is mastering the Electric Forgiveness album for us. I think we've narrowed it down to 12 songs, with the possibility of a few bonus cuts (namely a 25-minute epic), and maybe a stray demo here or there. RABBIT is also working on new material for a solo CD, and will be working on "starter" tracks that I've sent him for the next Electric Forgiveness CD while on tour with The Who, via his portable studio.
It's a bit crazy jumping back and forth between Third Of Never and Electric Forgiveness, but it seems to be good for the music, as the two bands could not be more different.
Also, I'd like for you all to check out my friends CJ GROGAN, THE GRIP WEEDS, and BK LaRUE here on IAC.
Thanks for reading...please drop us a line.