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9/5/2009 7:41:08 AM
Secret Gardens - new release

9/11/2008 4:39:51 AM
TWM and Zentropa Music for some Major Film soundtrack

10/9/2007 3:07:51 PM
Ambient Worlds & SoundcapeS: great free music!

10/5/2007 5:41:27 PM
IOMA 2008: Votes Needed - Servono voti!

7/6/2007 6:25:47 AM
TWM su Nokia Trends Lab!

5/2/2007 10:36:55 AM
"Magic Lights" & "Mystical Sea" on TV!

3/21/2007 10:25:03 AM
Time Traveller Out Now!

3/18/2007 6:14:25 AM
TWM will support "Partners in Health"

3/10/2007 8:14:32 AM
Merchandising! -

3/10/2007 8:13:17 AM
Download FOR FREE T.W.M. ringtones - Scarica GRATIS suonerie con la musica dei T.W.M. -

3/10/2007 8:02:38 AM
Time Traveller

3/10/2007 8:00:49 AM
TWM wins the "Music Aid International Music Awards 2006"! -

3/10/2007 7:58:50 AM
TWM Nominee as "Best artist" in the IOMA 2007! -

3/10/2007 7:56:37 AM
Time Traveller & Freedom Lights -

3/10/2007 7:55:28 AM
TWM wins Chillout Addict Awards! -


IAC Prime Member



3/18/2007 6:14:25 AM

TWM will support "Partners in Health"
ENGLISH:While several bandmembers do support a non-profit organization for distance adoption of Madacascar's children (with personal donations), the band (as band) also decided to give the money raised with the CD sales for Charity (and precisely 50 percent of the money raised out of expenses), precisely, and support the Partners in Health project. The PIH Vision: At its root, their mission is both medical and moral. It is based on solidarity, rather than charity alone. When a person in Peru, or Siberia, or rural Haiti falls ill, PIH uses all of the means at their disposal to make them well: from pressuring drug manufacturers, to lobbying policy makers, to providing medical care and social services. Whatever it takes. On internet: www.pih.org

ITALIANO:Mentre diversi membri della band supportano con le loro donazioni un'organizzazione no-profit che si occupa di adozione a distanza di bambini del Madagascar, la band in quanto tale ha deciso di aumentare gli sforzi e di destinare una buona parte dei proventi dei CD pubblicati (per la precisione il 50% degli incassi, salvo le spese) ad un'organizzazione no-profit che si occupa di curare le malattie infettive nel Terzo Mondo: Partners in Health. La loro missione e' sia medica che morale. E' basata sulla solidarieta' oltre che solo sulla carita'. Quando una persona in Peru', o in Siberia, o nelle zone rurali di Haiti si ammala, P.I.H. usa tutto cio' che ha a disposizione per farli stare bene (incluse pressioni sulle case farmaceutiche e quelle sulla politica), per provvedere alle cure mediche ed ai servizi sociali. Qualunque cosa richieda. Su internet: www.pih.org

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