Se parli italiano, lo troverai in coda all'inglese! :-)
--------E N G L I S H:-----------
It's official: "Time Traveller", the new album by The Wimshurst's Machine is out now! 37 tracks, 2 CDs, more than 120 minutes of award-winning music with an 18 pages booklet (with a short novel in italian, the song lyrics and the marvelous arts of the Spectrum Artist 2006 Daniele Scerra). We are absolutely proud of it!
You may buy it directly from the "shopping cart" you find on the bottom of this message!
In this album, mastered by TCREC in Torino, Italy (the same who were also mastering the "Eiffel65") we feature also several great musician friends from around the world, such as Corrado Rossi, Lisa & KMP, DCallen, Gamma Leonis, Scott Hill & Mediterranea, Queenie, Andrea Ferroni and Trulala! We are particularly proud of the great work they have made with us and we thanks them for the great experience that was to work with them!
This album is a special double CD edition, made of 2 CDs, 37 tracks, more than 2 hours of music and with an 18 pages booklet, also including the arts of Daniele Scerra and a short novel of Duilio Chiarle! This is the 3rd album iof the band. "Time Traveller" (2007) is more than 2 hours of music, anf many tracks in it already won several awards.
While several bandmembers do support a non-profit organization for distance adoption of Madacascar's children (with personal donations), the band (as band) also decided to give the money raised with the CD sales for Charity (and precisely 50 percent of the money raised out of expenses), precisely, and support the Partners in Health project. The PIH Vision: At its root, their mission is both medical and moral. It is based on solidarity, rather than charity alone. When a person in Peru, or Siberia, or rural Haiti falls ill, PIH uses all of the means at their disposal to make them well: from pressuring drug manufacturers, to lobbying policy makers, to providing medical care and social services. Whatever it takes. On internet:
Thank you for the precious support you give to our music and check it (and listen to full preview of it) for free here:
------------I T A L I A N O:---------------
Finalmente è ufficiale: "Time Traveller", il terzo ed atteso album dei The Wimshurst's Machine è pronto e disponibile per la vendita!
Questo album e' in edizione speciale: 2 CD, piu' di due ore di musica in 37 brani, e include anche un libretto di 18 pagine a colori contenente testi, le magnifiche illustrazioni originali di Daniele Scerra ed il racconto di Duilio Chiarle che ci ha suggerito quest'opera. "Time Traveller", 2007 (letteralmente "Il Viaggiatore del Tempo") e' il terzo CD pubblicato dalla band: un doppio album, piu' di due ore di musica per 37 brani. Una vera e propria storia raccontata in musica, di cui alcuni brani hanno gia' vinto diversi riconoscimenti e premi.
Nell'album troverete anche diverse collaborazioni con grandi artisti indipendenti da tutto il mondo, come Corrado Rossi, Lisa & KMP, DCallen, Gamma Leonis, Scott Hill & Mediterranea, Queenie, Andrea Ferroni e Trulala! Siamo particolarmente orgogliosi di aver avuto l'occasione di lavorare con questi artisti di talento.
Inoltre, mentre diversi membri della band supportano con le loro donazioni un'organizzazione no-profit che si occupa di adozione a distanza di bambini del Madagascar, la ba