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Views for this Topic: 861

10/9/2006 11:21:12 AM
Life After a Band ...

10/9/2006 10:53:53 AM
Ahhhh High Speed Returns!

8/9/2006 1:28:02 AM
Rockstar: Supernova

8/7/2006 9:27:52 PM
Life without Music..

5/24/2006 2:07:44 PM
Our Music

5/24/2006 12:36:22 AM

5/20/2006 2:57:29 PM
LaLa's Place and LaLa's Place#2

5/8/2006 3:18:48 PM
Hey Hey IAC'rs

5/3/2006 1:56:05 AM
Want to Say it With Graphics ?

5/1/2006 4:21:07 PM
How can you help IAC Get the Word out ?

5/1/2006 2:45:25 AM
How to Change the music player on your Pipeline page ..

4/20/2006 1:45:50 PM
The IAC Forums

4/18/2006 1:14:29 AM
Tale of the Friday night gig !!

4/14/2006 3:58:38 PM
Oaracle Submissions (Indies news)

4/14/2006 3:29:32 PM
Have You guys Seen the Legends of IAC ?

4/11/2006 2:16:47 AM

4/3/2006 6:51:38 PM
What are Listeners looking for ?

4/3/2006 1:04:20 PM

3/31/2006 4:17:27 PM

3/31/2006 3:46:06 AM
THIS is the music you should be listening to …

3/27/2006 4:57:18 PM
Songs About Freedom

3/27/2006 4:40:12 PM
A Generation of Laziness

3/23/2006 12:45:58 PM
Texas Police arresting people in BARS for drinking ?

3/13/2006 3:20:22 PM
Saturday Gig/ Family Day

3/13/2006 3:13:31 PM
I see Stupid People


Basic (free) Member



5/20/2006 2:57:29 PM

LaLa's Place and LaLa's Place#2
IF any of you that are on those stations would like to have a voice intro on your songs, you are welcome to record something short and send it to me, I would be proud to have your vocal intros on either station ! :)

you can mail the intros to me at


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