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Views for this Topic: 1008

10/9/2006 11:21:12 AM
Life After a Band ...

10/9/2006 10:53:53 AM
Ahhhh High Speed Returns!

8/9/2006 1:28:02 AM
Rockstar: Supernova

8/7/2006 9:27:52 PM
Life without Music..

5/24/2006 2:07:44 PM
Our Music

5/24/2006 12:36:22 AM

5/20/2006 2:57:29 PM
LaLa's Place and LaLa's Place#2

5/8/2006 3:18:48 PM
Hey Hey IAC'rs

5/3/2006 1:56:05 AM
Want to Say it With Graphics ?

5/1/2006 4:21:07 PM
How can you help IAC Get the Word out ?

5/1/2006 2:45:25 AM
How to Change the music player on your Pipeline page ..

4/20/2006 1:45:50 PM
The IAC Forums

4/18/2006 1:14:29 AM
Tale of the Friday night gig !!

4/14/2006 3:58:38 PM
Oaracle Submissions (Indies news)

4/14/2006 3:29:32 PM
Have You guys Seen the Legends of IAC ?

4/11/2006 2:16:47 AM

4/3/2006 6:51:38 PM
What are Listeners looking for ?

4/3/2006 1:04:20 PM

3/31/2006 4:17:27 PM

3/31/2006 3:46:06 AM
THIS is the music you should be listening to …

3/27/2006 4:57:18 PM
Songs About Freedom

3/27/2006 4:40:12 PM
A Generation of Laziness

3/23/2006 12:45:58 PM
Texas Police arresting people in BARS for drinking ?

3/13/2006 3:20:22 PM
Saturday Gig/ Family Day

3/13/2006 3:13:31 PM
I see Stupid People


Basic (free) Member



5/1/2006 2:45:25 AM

How to Change the music player on your Pipeline page ..
If you would like to change the music that is playing on your pipeline page, login into your pipeline account, in your admin area, you will see a text link that says "Set Page Music" click on that link, and you will see a list of all the stations throughout the IAC site. scroll through the list and choose a station and when you open your pipeline page again, your new music will be playing!

And While I am at it.... Thank you for all the wonderful messages, you guys are fantastic to me ! You make what I do worthwhile !

I love you all !


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