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3/11/2006 1:43:57 PM
Caleb - encouraging the toiling masses!

3/11/2006 1:43:25 PM
"I'd buy that for less than a dollar!"

3/11/2006 1:42:43 PM
Caleb - soon to visit a different country!!!

3/11/2006 1:42:24 PM
Want us to play at a venue near you?

3/11/2006 1:42:06 PM
Rock Star Dies in Nuclear War!!!

3/11/2006 1:41:42 PM
Is this really a good idea?

3/11/2006 1:41:05 PM
DanMan vs the Emos!!!

3/11/2006 1:37:07 PM
Brand New ‘Coffee-Cup Holders’!!

3/11/2006 1:36:42 PM
‘Build Your Own Bassist’ Competition Results!

3/11/2006 1:36:13 PM
Alternative Rock Group Cause Internet Café Panic!

3/11/2006 1:35:51 PM
Today, Essex… Tomorrow, the World?!

3/11/2006 1:34:55 PM
Vocal Coaching

3/11/2006 1:33:42 PM
My Last Today Recording

3/11/2006 1:28:56 PM
Caleb in Multiple Bassist Shocker!


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3/11/2006 1:42:06 PM

Rock Star Dies in Nuclear War!!!

Okay...  So I'm just kidding about the nuclear fatality! (it got your attention though, right?!)

Here's the actual headline I should have used:

UK Band in Rare Acoustic Footage Shocker!

We keep getting requests from you lot about us putting up new songs on Myspace.  Well, we're going to start recording a new eight track CD later this week - it should be ready for May (give or take a month)...

"But what about now?!  We want more music NOW!!!"

Oh, all right then!  Here are two songs that Simon from Whoremoan was kind enough to video while we doing a Phoenix FM session recently.  Be warned that these two videos both look and sound like they were recorded on a camcorder...

Anyway, before I start rambling any more - here you go:

Main Page: http://www.phoenixfm.com/alternate/show020206.htm

Phlegmatic: http://www.phoenixfm.com/alternate/video_caleb_phleg.htm

Unhandled: http://www.phoenixfm.com/alternate/video_caleb_unhand.htm


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