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Greg Sinclair
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Greg Sinclair

6/23/2007 7:06:45 PM

WHO is the most overrated?
Which band do you think is the most overrated?

The Police




The Doors

The Clash

Bob Dylan

The Beatles

Sonic Youth

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Jeff Allen Myers

6/23/2007 10:20:32 PM

Metallica.......Enter Sandman....I believe he has found the Exit! If anyone says the Beatles, I will have to ask them to step outside :)

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6/24/2007 5:50:57 AM

well personally I don't think you even could overrate Nirvana or the Beatles because they're both just the best ever. heh I have records from all of them on this list, but imo, it would have to be one of the first 3. I've seen Sonic Youth many times live and they totally rock. Dylan is extremely important to the history of lyrics in rock music. The Clash were phenomenal. The Doors may have not been in the top 10 of their era but they would be the best thing going if they were still around now.

Here's who the most overrated is:

Dave Matthews

Most underrated ?

Jim Carroll Band
World Party

to name a few..

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Pulse Eternal

6/24/2007 7:10:03 AM

IMHO, Nirvana

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Pulse Eternal

6/24/2007 7:11:20 AM

I won't say Beatles because they are one of my faves but if I did would you really ask me to step outside?!! lol :-D

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Jeff Allen Myers

6/24/2007 7:43:40 AM

Darn Tootin Mi Lady, You may have the muscles, but I am Quick an Sinewy... He Heh :) I must say, if you get me in a Headlock, its all over :)

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The Man With No Band

6/24/2007 1:48:44 PM

Don't think I could say any of them are over-rated .. I like Metallica the least on the list though ...
I think the Beatles and Dylan ar still under-rated as are the Doors (With Jim Morrison)

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Greg Sinclair

6/24/2007 2:36:22 PM

I certainly wouldn't put Metallica at the bottom...they were pioneers and all the work they did prior to the black album stands hard....Sonic Youth and Bob Dylan were not a big deal to me and Cobain although good...shot himself in the head LONG before we saw what he would have continued to write...and sadly some of the stuff he did write! Beatles are the Beatles are the Beatles and stand their ground for time so we don't have to step outside..although..too much Metallica slagging and not enough U2...last great thing was The Joshua Tree and that was not as good as Sunday Bloody Sunday...by the way....this was a question I grabbed offline...just thought I would put it here for thought..and the Police just toured here and are still GODS...

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Greg Sinclair

6/24/2007 2:44:38 PM

THAT is very cool man!!! What a little tidbit that is to just throw into a conversation! lol

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Jeff Allen Myers

6/24/2007 4:51:20 PM

I think I saw the question, and it included the inquiry.."Are the Beatles overrated?" I think they added that to get a rise and get the conversation going. As for the Police, yes I Love those guys, but when they Broke-up, Sting's Album "Dream of the Blue Turtles" was ground breaking in that it brought World Class musicians from the Jazz/Fusion Arena into the Pop Genre. I think Summers and Copeland are great Musicians, but I have no doubt Sting is The Police. The Police fused Pop, Ska, and Rga into something truly special. I am not familiar with Sonic Youth, so I rate Metallica on the bottom because I am familiar with them and their limitations. I would not call them Groundbreaking... Nirvana? I would call them and Pearl Jam Groundbreaking as they influenced an entire decade of music..U2? I rate them Higher for their catalog of work.... To me a Band that should be on this list are the Stones...Never liked them, their musicianship, or sound. Just me..I can't stand Jagger and his whole persona...But I am a Beatles Guy, and we are naturally built that way :) Anyway, good thread, and controversial enough to get a response...and that is why the question was raised on the Web. Cheers. Jeff

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Bat Lenny

6/24/2007 9:27:24 PM

The Doors. I've always been bored by their music. Morrison had personality, a rather annoying one, but the rest of the band were in his big shadow and never did anything of note after his death.

And Larree - It's off topic but since you brought it up, early BOC was absolutely brilliant. BOC, Tyranny and Mutation and Secret Treaties are classics, some of the best music to come out of the US in that era.


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Chris Hance

6/24/2007 10:12:54 PM

metallica=p155 2 the max..................................

Wes Montgomery, now thats guitar music........

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6/25/2007 12:59:56 PM

BOC was good ....they could have been on this list..I saw them in a club a few years ago and they were still amazing..and VERY short....I am a big fan...also MSG...but influencing my generation??... not in any big way...You may need to put on Master of Puppets and rethink your theory...or and Justice for all...or Kill em All...I wasn't even a huge fan and they put their finger print on anything coming up in the 80' and 90's....Hell...every band on this list did..

Metallica influenced an entire generation of metal and brought speed and technique to heavy rock..you can find them listed on hundreds of bands as a reason they started.....as they were influenced by Sabbath/Priest so was Pearl Jam and Cornell by them..and of course Neil Young ..hell Metallica did a Bob Segar song....Chris Cornell must have grew up on a steady diet of Dio....Nirvana and 3 chord ditties in Army surplus sweaters were good...but not great....I prefer the work..not the image and glamourized Cobain stories...I saw great imitation of what he idolized...Man who sold the world for example...and I might add that I have the first 2 Cds and enjoy them...Polly is brilliant.

Sting is pure Brillance but I would still put on Zenyatta Mendatta before Dream of the Blue Turtles ..however ...the musicianship was top level.Someone who I believe did this better and I am a bigger fan of solo is Peter Gabrial.

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6/25/2007 1:11:06 PM

I think Sting's solo work is vastly inferior to when he was with the Police. He slows most everything down to a dirge, needs Stu Copeland to keep him on the proper tempo. :)

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Jeff Allen Myers

6/25/2007 1:25:41 PM

Stuart Copeland is a talented and solid Drummer, but on "Turtles" Sting played with a Cat named Omar Hakim, Copeland is not in his league. Hakim is a Jazz/Fusion player who is just sick on the Drums, I have seen him in person a few times. Just my Opinion. It is important to note, a great Band does not need a "Great" Drummer....see Ringo. :) But Bands have been taken to the next level with a Great Drummer...See Peart of Rush.

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6/25/2007 1:52:24 PM

I don't know, I just feel that Sting's music isn't really rock anymore, nothing against his drummers on his solo projects.

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Chris Hance

6/25/2007 2:13:21 PM


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Spank Momma

6/25/2007 3:42:23 PM

These opinions are as varied as the music itself. Goes to show you that we love what were raised on. Personally I think Curt was nothing special, Metalica were ahead of their time a bit, not anymore. B O C had a great live show. I saw them all come out with guitars once and Jam reaper, It was a great trip. What? No Alvin Lee plugs larree
your slippin. This is kinda like asking who the best bass player is. John Entwistle or
Stanley Clarke. Different worlds, both great. Peace. John

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The Man With No Band

6/25/2007 4:21:04 PM

I saw Alvin Lee live twice ... once with Ten Years After and once a solo performance at an outdoor concert in the tiny town of Great Bend, Kansas.
I stood ten feet from stage totally mesmerized as he played almost non-stop for over two hours.... That was the greatest performance I have ever seen in my life!
People talk about Beck like he is a God, but in my book Lee is the best guitarist I have ever witnessed !

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6/25/2007 5:11:59 PM

Taste-------------yeah taste,

and who you were having romantic success with at the time!

Best guitarist-----for me Frank Zappa!

Most over rated band ----Beatles clones from Britain ------Oasis

It's minus 5 C here this morning-----may be affecting my logic!

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Greg Sinclair

6/26/2007 6:40:31 PM

Alvin Lee is one of Mick Mars favorites...AND Beck...lol

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Pulse Eternal

6/27/2007 3:57:11 AM

lol @ the headlock comment Jeff :-D
I have to say one of my all time favourite albums is Sting's "Bring on the Night". That is a masterpiece. Omar Hakim is my favourite drummer too. The guy has incredible skills AND feel.

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Psyche's Muse

6/27/2007 7:10:42 AM

I had Alvin Lee's Rocket Fuel on LP and I agree with Frank Zappa, loved the Police, but not Sting so much; the Rolling Stones... hey, what's not to love. Have you heard Their Satanic Majesties Request? That's some scrumptious stuff there! I believe the Scorpions are underrated as a group. Their pre-radio stuff is excellent and almost no one's heard of Ulrich Roth their lead guitarist. As for a guitar player that is very frequently heard and underrated I'd have to say Davie Johnstone, guitarist for Elton John is one that's none too shabby. Another I'd like to mention is Jimmy Page(not underrated). It's amazing to hear stations now playing all those tunes by Zeppelin that had never gotten any air time ever. Even their obscure album tracks are now considered "Classics". The ZOSO release is sheer magic and surely deserves to be ranked among the all-time greats of Rock and Roll. By the way, Zeppelin's first album came out in the sixties as well, 1969... maybe there WAS something in the air back then. Oh yeah, your initial question... the most overrated... hmm... Well, I've never heard anything by the Sonic Youth that I can recall... so are the Sonic Youth "overrated"? For me, I guess so. ; )
PS- Another fine guitarist: John McLaughlin.

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6/27/2007 8:27:03 PM

it's all down to a matter of taste.
Who has the right to rate anyone.
much love and respect.

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Bat Lenny

6/27/2007 9:48:02 PM

So true - it does come down to taste. There are probably tens of thousands of people out there that would rate Neil Young as their favorite guitarist. Of course his technique is horrible and he's sloppy as hell. I'm not a big fan but I'd rather listen to him than Joe Satriani. Personality is more important to me than technical ability.

Of course if you're Frank Zappa, you've got scads of both, and you're the best.

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Psyche's Muse

6/28/2007 4:48:24 PM

I agree! Taste is the key. The feeling conveyed in music is much more important to me than the expert finessing of an instrument. So Al Dimeola, while being a phenomenal guitar player, is more or less boring for me to listen to. Yet, there are some songs/groups that have been pushed down our throats like a McDonald's commercial, while others, like cream, have risen to the top naturally. And then there are those, I am sure, that would stand the test of time if only they were given that taste-test of exposure. So overrated/underrated, it's all about opinion, taste and exposure, both over- and under-exposure. And while I know I have an opinion and am exposing it right here and now, who's to judge whether or not I have any taste? I feel the Smashing Pumpkins are underrated. Am I right or wrong? I guess you could say that it all depends upon whom I'm asking. Yet would that really change my opinion... or lack of taste? ; ) -M-

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Jeff Allen Myers

6/28/2007 5:42:44 PM

So True, there is no accounting for Taste! Or lack of it! Music is very subjective, as is all art. I have seen paintings considered the work of a genius, to me they look like a Trainwreck of colors.

Hey Bat, speaking of Zappa, my wife's Sister is interviewing to become the Nanny of Moon Unit's Kids...Frank's Grandkids....very cool :)

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6/28/2007 5:45:15 PM

I'm firmly with Ray and Mortimor on this one------as a music teacher I see quite a few hot young guitarists who can play fast and furious, both by reading or playing by ear--------but they are not neccessarily creating something new, or standing for anything more than being "Hot'.

I love to think of music as being a cutting edge thing that is de constructing the world as we know it and offering new possibilities and ways of reaching into peoples emotional stereotypes and fooling around with them!

That's why I picked Zappa----------his music wasn't always easy to listen to
----but that was no accident-------those guys in TMOI were driven by Frank to rehearse until they had each note in place, yet it sounded like a riot!!

Scott is critical of Sting after Police-------but I would argue, his "world music "
is far more cutting edge------but more demanding to listen to----------

a matter of taste ---------and dare I say it ---------Conditioning!!

BTW! ----watch out where the huskies go

and don't you eat that yellow snow!!

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Psyche's Muse

6/28/2007 10:57:08 PM

Hell yeah, Zappa!! And there's some "Slime oozin' out of your T.V. set" too! Of all his guitar instrumental work I think I enjoy Black Napkin from Zoot Allures the most. But that's just an "other" opinion, it very well may be that I've simply acquired a taste for such things... yeah, that's probably it. It sure must have tasted good though... for "me" to like it... I think...

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Bat Lenny

6/29/2007 12:15:22 AM

Alright Mortamor - I just have to jump in here because I've put that song at or near the top of my list of greatest guitar performances since the first time I heard it in 1976 when I was in 10th grade. I love the part where it goes all liquidy. I recently ran across a video on Youtube of him performing it on the Merv Griffin show with Merv's house band backing him up. So cool.

Nannying for Moon's kids. Sheez, small world.


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Bat Lenny

6/29/2007 12:19:58 AM

(When I say "That song" I mean Black Napkins)

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Jeff Allen Myers

6/29/2007 1:20:40 AM

Hey Bat I will let you know if she gets the Gig! If she does, I will make an excuse to stop by, gotta be some cool Zappa trinkets layin about :) In the Meantime, the Central Scrutinizer is askin "Why does it hurt when I Pee?" :)

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Bat Lenny

6/29/2007 12:27:53 PM

See if you can grab me a python boot when you're there.

I just realized I said he did Black Napkins on Merv Griffin - it was actually Mike Douglas. They were interchangeable.

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