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Spank Momma
Views for this Topic: 1351

6/2/2024 9:52:38 PM
Who's still alive? Woo woo

7/15/2023 1:29:43 AM
Cant play anything.

11/6/2020 4:57:55 AM
Fucking search engines dissing us.

12/13/2019 4:32:54 AM
Where is search now, the front page is a chart. W t f.

11/4/2019 12:43:27 AM
How many of you cats have been here for 10 years?

10/20/2019 4:53:53 AM
Demons are real, I saw one.

1/12/2019 9:30:37 PM
Remember 10 years ago?

1/6/2013 8:38:48 AM
Babys Back Isle of Ewe is now Spank Momma

4/12/2009 10:25:06 PM
Is god an alien?

2/24/2008 4:20:18 PM
I just jamed with some Doods

1/18/2008 6:55:00 AM
Staggerlees new toon

1/4/2008 1:57:24 PM
Obama Is The Antichrist

1/3/2008 5:48:47 PM

12/25/2007 7:43:00 AM
The new player

12/23/2007 10:39:54 AM
Who do you look like

12/21/2007 7:54:31 AM
Quote of the day

11/23/2007 7:40:24 PM
How well do you know your relatives? Really?

11/23/2007 11:41:12 AM
Turkey, Stuffing, mashed tatters, cranberry sauce and what

11/17/2007 6:04:07 PM
Ok I recorded my new Taylor guitar

11/6/2007 12:08:51 PM
Its raining its pouring and I'm going to the music emporium.

10/17/2007 5:29:04 PM
This is my idea of a ballad

10/15/2007 5:38:34 PM
Holy shit, Look who's here!

10/5/2007 5:42:11 PM
The best song you ever write could be the one you write today

9/16/2007 1:29:04 PM
Father and son colab

9/13/2007 7:42:09 AM
Leave Brittney alone

9/11/2007 12:31:33 PM
Hey People 9-11 W T F

8/14/2007 7:48:54 PM
Technical problems

8/1/2007 12:25:20 PM
Hey Toby Thanks

7/30/2007 11:15:56 AM
Hey Baby's ugly mug is in Cashbox Mag.

7/30/2007 11:13:44 AM
Hey Baby's ugly mug is in Cashbox Mag.

6/17/2007 2:18:28 PM
Audition on bass

5/31/2007 10:02:27 PM
The New Band

5/28/2007 10:50:46 AM
Memorial Day

5/3/2007 4:56:25 PM
A Name Change


Basic (free) Member


Spank Momma

10/5/2007 5:42:11 PM

The best song you ever write could be the one you write today
Ain't that the truth. Nice quote from the doods and doodettes at IAC.
Many times I think my newest is my best. Awesome.
Signed Wally and the Beve

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10/5/2007 8:58:38 PM

I have found myself getting really bored with recording.

Oh I have plenty of things musically to record - but the recording process is a real drag for me.

What pisses me off the most is recording drums. Since I only have a drum machine. (DR 880) It usually takes HOURS to program a full song.

I don't know if you non-musician types really understand just how LONG it can take. Oh sure, I could rush it - but I want quality not quantity.

I need someone to KICK ME IN MY ASS so I will get off my rear end and record anyway ;)

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Duane Flock

10/5/2007 10:14:13 PM

People are telling me I'm getting better and better at writing tunes. I'll keep on writing as long as they don't use my CD's for skeet shooting practice.
signed...... Eddie Haskel and Lumpy

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10/6/2007 5:32:29 AM

Uuuh - you all need to be real careful of that "best song is the one I wrote today" syndrome... I do appreciate the thought behind the statement, it's a good bit of encouragement to keep on writing and producing new music, but in my experience, it is oh so worthwhile to stand back from newly written and newly recorded pieces, to give them a chance to filter into your consciousness, to give that enthusiasm a chance to cool down, in order that the often rose-tinted lenses of newness be replaced by the clear lens of objectivity! Especially if you want to create art that will stand the test of time....

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Travlin Dan

10/6/2007 5:56:35 AM

songwriting has always been a collection of verses, that were written on napkins and grocery sacks and on scraps of any thing that could hold a line or two,,,, then after time passed some of these verses would seem to fit a pattern and grow together with the music falling from the guitar as notes like the drops of rain,,,, and the song was then born,,, sometimes the song was a continuum , sometimes the song said goodbye,,,, i had to say goodbye to my little friend the other day,,,, she has gone home to romania,, to her family ,,, i will never be seeing her again ,, regretfully thats life...i can only hope that we can share a few letters before time fades the feeling and we forget about the love that we shared for too short a time...

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