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Spank Momma
1/12/2019 9:30:37 PM
Remember 10 years ago?
Steve April
1/12/2019 10:17:03 PM
---- Updated 1/12/2019 10:18:54 PM
Hi John,
Good to hear from you.
Remember ten years ago like yesterday it seems lol...l
All those great guys on your Comments, Hugh, The Man With No Band, Eaglehead, Duane, and DirgeK's mom, great guys all, responding to the very groovy music on your page.
I remember...
Father Time
1/12/2019 11:07:58 PM
1/13/2019 1:44:45 AM
2009 was very important and significant to me in terms of music making. I remember all those artists Steve mentioned and many more, long gone from this site. It was a different vibe back then for sure. Over the years, optimism dwindled as realisation and resignation set in.
My music files are labeled "pre 2009" and "post 2009" (roughly sorted) 10 years ago I was very collaborative and I have a file for each person I worked with. The last few years have been decidedly Unmemorable musically and I'm very introverted after I found I liked to be in control of all artistic and strategic aspects.
I feel that I have put out better stuff post 2009 but somehow people still refer back to the pre songs like they identified me as an artist. It's hard to move forward after a boom period that becomes a dated legacy over the years.
Generally I am not a person who glorifies the good old days, I acknowledge what I was and what I did but the "who" of me is amorphous, shape-shifting and still aiming to stay in tune with the present I inhabit.
Jilly x
Duane Flock
1/14/2019 7:48:32 PM
Hey John,
I remember some of Babies best. Some great stuff brother.
You have anything new to bring to the table? Anything to chew on?
I've been trying for more quality music than quantity myself. Doing a lot of tracks for some great folks here.
Hang out now and then dude.
Conversation Suicide
1/24/2019 3:40:49 PM
HOOOO BOY--- Do I remember those Earlier days of
IAC Music.
Here I go DIVING back in--
SOMEWHAT Hijacking the THREAD here ---
and Hoping to Interest Scott (FatherTime) in RE-Offering the
"Phifty Princezzz and pHLeGm Phavourites"
Indie Music People Sponsored Station
on the Front Page.
It will have SOME BRAN-NEW Music --
BUT -- Quite a FEW of the Decade-Old Songs
that have STOOD the TEST of TIME
will ALSO be on this Scott & IMP sponsored Front Page Station.
So Scott --
Your Move, Old Friend.
I'm BaaaaaCk
and Bold, Brash & Beautiful as Always.
-Pappy pHLeGm
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