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Spank Momma
Views for this Topic: 1300

6/2/2024 9:52:38 PM
Who's still alive? Woo woo

7/15/2023 1:29:43 AM
Cant play anything.

11/6/2020 4:57:55 AM
Fucking search engines dissing us.

12/13/2019 4:32:54 AM
Where is search now, the front page is a chart. W t f.

11/4/2019 12:43:27 AM
How many of you cats have been here for 10 years?

10/20/2019 4:53:53 AM
Demons are real, I saw one.

1/12/2019 9:30:37 PM
Remember 10 years ago?

1/6/2013 8:38:48 AM
Babys Back Isle of Ewe is now Spank Momma

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1/3/2008 5:48:47 PM

12/25/2007 7:43:00 AM
The new player

12/23/2007 10:39:54 AM
Who do you look like

12/21/2007 7:54:31 AM
Quote of the day

11/23/2007 7:40:24 PM
How well do you know your relatives? Really?

11/23/2007 11:41:12 AM
Turkey, Stuffing, mashed tatters, cranberry sauce and what

11/17/2007 6:04:07 PM
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10/17/2007 5:29:04 PM
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Holy shit, Look who's here!

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9/16/2007 1:29:04 PM
Father and son colab

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Leave Brittney alone

9/11/2007 12:31:33 PM
Hey People 9-11 W T F

8/14/2007 7:48:54 PM
Technical problems

8/1/2007 12:25:20 PM
Hey Toby Thanks

7/30/2007 11:15:56 AM
Hey Baby's ugly mug is in Cashbox Mag.

7/30/2007 11:13:44 AM
Hey Baby's ugly mug is in Cashbox Mag.

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Audition on bass

5/31/2007 10:02:27 PM
The New Band

5/28/2007 10:50:46 AM
Memorial Day

5/3/2007 4:56:25 PM
A Name Change


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Spank Momma

8/14/2007 7:48:54 PM

Technical problems
I know I know, you don't want tech probs on the front blog thing, Alls I get is some stupid passport crap when I try to get your address. Perhaps its simply posted under issues somewhere, dont know. Heres the problem. My page wont stream, My exported player only plays certain songs and it seems to be in sync with the songs that stream. Not many, so slap those new tech experts and tell em to stop smokin so many blunts. Peace and thanks
P.S feel free to dump this as soon as you can. he he. John

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8/14/2007 10:55:46 PM

Okay. First off our support Email is iacsupporthotline@gmail.com. Save that in your address book cause it's the quickest way to get help at IAC.

Secondly, your page is streaming now. What I'm guessing happened is that you updated the song file for the first song because that's where the snag was. When you change a file, you need to also refresh your song order to create a new xml file. I went in and refreshed the song order and it now works.

Here are the steps you need to do to get your export player going right. If it's a station playing, refresh your station order. If it's a page stream, refresh your song order (I just did that). If after this you're still having issues, go get new code, but that should take care of it. I guess the best way to summarize this is; if you change files or delete songs or that kind of thing, it's always best to refresh the order of the various functions in order to make sure your playlist xml files match whatever revised list you've created.

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