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3/12/2006 9:46:38 AM
A Blunt Bush

3/11/2006 3:53:52 PM
I hope nobody can hear this....

3/9/2006 3:12:06 PM
America!......How could you!


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3/12/2006 9:46:38 AM

A Blunt Bush
I can understand paying for somthing that comes out of a cows ass. I just can't get over how much people have paid for what comes out of some English ass. I expect he's a nice guy and good luck to him, but I think the thing that it really highlights is exactly what you say about the music industry. They say people vote with their money which might seem like a valid justification of his success, but then again, the other voting system we have led to Dubya being the incumbant fuckwit in charge of the US.

I just hope Blunt doesn't decide to invade another country in th middle east......oh hang on. He already did that didn't he. He was in the army at one point. Mind, at least he went and didn't get his dad to get him off the hook like Dubya did.

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3/12/2006 10:57:13 AM

anyone is entitle to capitalize on what comes out of them. i am enjoying the parallel between blunt and bush ... the concept of both purchase and vote as buy-in ... you can't philosophically separate what you need from what you like. america might prefer strong leaders to defend its sometimes indefensible global position, but they tend to come equipped (like a bad genetic mutation) with undesirable imperialistic tendencies. inoffensive art is ... well, besides being hardly art by any definition i favor, it tends to reward itself with more mediocrity. maybe what we can hope (for blunt, not for bush) is that with some backing he will take more risks.

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