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Views for this Topic: 1052

9/15/2009 11:29:17 PM
Are you still voting? try some VELULA ...

7/9/2008 5:51:38 PM
1) What do you think about this song? (part 1 of seven parts)

5/6/2008 6:36:37 PM
Introduction to VELULA

3/31/2008 6:03:28 PM
Do you want to learn a new world? Come today to a different experience. Discover this band. Come to VELULA.

2/13/2008 7:39:40 AM
Making a video ....any idea???

2/10/2008 2:34:07 PM
Alucigenia (Music Films Zine)

2/6/2008 6:48:51 PM
Try IAC´s best band VELULA !!! Can you imagine music?

1/25/2008 3:43:52 PM
#1 "Ojos de la Transparencia" METAL / HARDCORE CHARTS

10/20/2007 4:05:41 PM
# 1 VELULA - Ojos de la Transparencia


Basic (free) Member



2/6/2008 6:48:51 PM

Try IAC´s best band VELULA !!! Can you imagine music?
Try IAC´s best band singing in spanish !!!

VELULA is a new band coming out with tons of energy and creativity. This is the kind of band you don´t really know how to classify. This is the kind of band that I liked since the first seconds of their music. Don´t miss the chance to meet and support them. A new album deserves to be made. =)

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